Pоpulаr quеstiоn : Is it pоssiblе fоr аn аmаtеur fоrеx trаdеr tо mаkе sustаinаblе prоfits trаdi

Discussion in 'Forex - Currencies Forums' started by Benoit W, Apr 8, 2016.

  1. Benoit W

    Benoit W Well-Known Member

    Mar 2016
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    It is pоssiblе, hоwеvеr rеsеаrсh аnd rеtаil brоkеr dаtа сlеаrly stаtеs thаt lеss thаn 1% оf trаdеrs саn асtuаlly mаkе prоfits.

    Thе prоblеm, hоwеvеr, dоеsn't liе in thе diffiсulty аlоng but in thе wаy thе аvеrаgе "trаdеr" аpprоасhеs trаding. In thе еnd, trаding, rеgаrdlеss оf thе mаrkеt, is а prоfеssiоn just likе аny оthеr. Yоu wоuldn't еxpесt tо wаtсh sоmе yоutubе vidеоs, rеаd а соuplе оf аrtiсlеs аnd thеn bе rеаdy tо wоrk аs а surgеоn оr а lаwyеr.

    If yоu rеаlly wаnt tо fоllоw this pаth, it shоuldn't bе fоr thе mоnеy, but bесаusе yоu hаvе а pаssiоn fоr it. Thе pаth tо bесоming а соnsistеntly prоfitаblе trаdеr саn bе а lоng оnе. Yоu'll vеry likеly еxpеriеnсе frustrаtiоns, sеtbасks аnd timеs whеn yоu just wаnt tо quit. If yоu аrе just in fоr thе mоnеy, yоur mоtivаtiоn prоbаbly wоn't bе еnоugh. Rеsеаrсh shоws thаt thе mаjоrity оf trаdеrs quit within 2 mоnths.

    Thе bеst yоu саn dо, is ассеpt thаt bесоming а prоfеssiоnаl trаdеr usuаlly tаkеs yеаrs аnd yоu will nееd tо trеаt it likе а businеss аnd а nеw skill-sеt yоu hаvе tо dеvеlоp. This mеаns, lеаrning thе bаsiсs аbоut thе mаrkеts, соnstаnt sеlf imprоvеmеnt, fоllоwing thе finаnсiаl mаrkеts, аnаlyzing yоur trаding pеrfоrmаnсе, trасking yоur trаdеs аnd соllесting аs muсh dаtа аs pоssiblе tо bе аblе tо spоt wеаknеssеs in yоur strаtеgy оr things whеrе yоu shоuld furthеr imprоvе оn...

    I аm аttасhing yоu thе pyrаmid shоwing thе survivаl rаtе оf trаdеrs. This is nоt tо dеmоtivаtе yоu, but tо shоw yоu thаt mоst pеоplе whо sеt оut tо bесоming а prоfеssiоnаl trаdеr, quit. Hоwеvеr, it сlеаrly is pоssiblе tо mаkе prоfits - аs Riсh niсеly dеsсribеd! Bеfоrе yоu divе intо thе wоrld оf trаding, сhесk yоursеlf аnd аsk yоursеlf if yоu hаvе thе соrrесt mindsеt аnd thе dеtеrminаtiоn, оr аrе just lооking fоr thе quiсk mоnеy. This is nоt pоssiblе in trаding, unfоrtunаtеly.
  2. radex78

    radex78 Senior Investor

    Sep 2015
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    As retail trader usualy only have small capital and if we reading many statement if more than ninety percent trader get fail in forex,and only small percent that able generate good income from forex business, and to get it also required good knowledgeand they can seeking opprtunity to making money from forex business, I see certain trader he can get earning more than five hundred dollar mnonthly and this is good number in my view
  3. daveM

    daveM Member

    Dec 2014
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    I will answer this way..... I have been involved in trading for over 20 years. At this time, I use my experience to develop automated strategies.... With all of my experience and knowledge, the number of successful systems that I develop is about one in five hundred........

    What I am saying is......... there is no easy money in the trading business, especially for someone new to the business.. It is not a 'get rich quick' business, although some people do make fantastic sums.
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  4. radex78

    radex78 Senior Investor

    Sep 2015
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    Yes I think so too, forex is not easy way to get rich at short time, as successful trader usually also they spent more time in forex to learning trading, many from them also already make automatic trading based on system and strategy

    But in forex also possible any trader they can making good income through forex business, one way to get another additional income is take part in partnership programme
  5. kirtimeliwal

    kirtimeliwal Senior Investor

    Jul 2017
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    I think basic learning is compulsory to start trading in any field whether it is stock market or forex market. It is not easy for a new trader to make a better profit without having any proper knowledge. Basic learning of forex market, rules and regulation is required to start trading as well as it also helps forex trader to trade smartly and make a good income.
  6. kirtimeliwal

    kirtimeliwal Senior Investor

    Jul 2017
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    Basic learning of forex market, its rules and regulations of trading is must for a new forex trader. a trader can not earn a good income without having zero knowledge about the forex market.
  7. Linda Smith

    Linda Smith Senior Investor

    Dec 2019
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    Everyone trades in the market for making profit. But it is not easy to make profit. Forex market is like a puzzle game. You have to make proper decision in proper time. It is quite difficult to take quick decision without the help of any broker. Making profit is mainly depend on the spreads and leverage and the ability of taking quick and appropriate decisions. I always trade with Tpglobalfx. Because they provide low spreads starting from 0.01 pips and give a dynamic leverage at maximum of 1:500. It helps me to ensure my profit easily.
  8. Brentwood

    Brentwood Senior Investor

    May 2020
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    The key is to understand how it really works and who is right to work with. I was losing funds to a broker and by the time i realised it, i had already lost $52000 which was over half of my savings. I met a friendly trader and she directed me to the recovery agent Mr Bart Kasch. He helped me recover all my money, every penny. Referred him to friends and colleagues already, you can contact him if you need help at [email protected]
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