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Is artificial intelligence the way forward?

Is artificial intelligence the way forward?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is most certainly the buzzword across each and every business sector. Where there is human interaction there is the opportunities to use AI to the benefit of businesses and customers. However, is AI really the way forward?

Biggest challenge, trust factor!

There is no doubt that one of the biggest challenges for the AI industry is securing the trust of consumers and businesses. We only need to look at the likes of Tesla, using AI autopilot systems, and the highly publicised crashes and unfortunately fatalities. The fact that the system has been used millions of times with no issues is often overlooked. It would also be interesting to compare and contrast accidents involving the Tesla AI system and accidents involving human error. I think we can all guess what the answer would be?

Loss of control

We’re not just talking about the car industry; we are also talking about the creation of news articles, production line facilities and even customer services. One of the biggest challenges for consumers is a loss of control in favour of a “computer”. The fact that this computer may well be more intelligent that the average human being is something often overlooked. However, without ever experiencing for example an automated driving vehicle, would you be happy being a passenger in a taxi driven by an AI-based system?

Testing, testing and testing again

There is no doubt that once consumers experience AI systems (indeed many of us will come across them on a daily basis without knowing) the trust factor will certainly increase. Companies do need to compare and contrast incidents involving AI and those involving human error. The reality is that no system is ever foolproof but without having the figures in front of us, it is safe to say that AI is now much safer. After all, these are systems which learn, learn and continue to learn throughout their lifetime and they don’t forget – and don’t get tired.

The dangers of AI

As well as the many advantages of AI there are also potential dangers creating devices which can “think for themselves” that potentially cut loose from their operators. We have seen this in sci-fi movies, doomsday books and across the general media but is it really a problem?

While there are very strict regulations when it comes to AI there are no doubt parties operating outside of his regulations across the globe. We hear talk of AI armies which could literally take to the battlefield tomorrow and effectively fight a cyber war. We hear of systems regularly being hacked and used for criminal/dangerous activities. As we mentioned above, no system is foolproof and with most commercial AI systems there would be the opportunity to take back manual control.

Billions of dollars invested in AI

While consumers and the business community may have reservations about the use of AI going forward, there is no doubt that billions of billions of dollars have been and are being invested in this sector. It is the way forward, it is already part of our everyday lives, and it is unlikely that any government, regulator or business influencer can stop this revolution. The real task will be attempting to control AI going forward. Avoiding the ultimate doomsday scenario, an AI device which can think for itself, power itself and ultimately “flip sides” and attack its controller/creator. Now, that would be the ultimate doomsday scenario!