PayPal Takes steps toward accepting Bitcoin

Discussion in 'General Trading Discussion' started by CryptoKid, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    Being accepted by Paypal wouldn't make bitcoin's value any less volatile. Yeah there's all this craze about bitcoin being the currency of the future but unless people are sure bitcoin's value won't plunge overnight, they'll have no reason to take any unnecessary risks. For me, unless I see bitcoin's value steadily going up and then leveling off and staying there for longer than a year, I'll stay away from it.
  2. troutski

    troutski Guest

    Jul 2014
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    Bitcoin does have a decently bright future, but PayPal's decision to work towards accepting Bitcoin is just a reaction to Apple Pay. Both PayPal and Google have been trying to push their mobile wallets for quite some time now with relatively abysmal results. Apple Pay is guaranteed to be a success with such heavy backers in the form of major companies and banks, so PayPal is looking to use Bitcoin to increase the usage of its own mobile wallet. Bitcoin won't disappear anytime soon, but it's not going to flourish as things stand now.
  3. moneyman

    moneyman Well-Known Member

    Jul 2014
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    More and more online and offline services keep nowadays accepting Bitcoin as a payment option. I am actually quite glad that Paypal is doing the same.
  4. JaneHansen

    JaneHansen Guest

    еВау’s Јоhnnу Но іs gеttіng dеsреrаtе …

    Νоtwіthstаndіng thаt thе еВау Dерt оf Ѕріn hаs рrосlаіmеd а “400% іnсrеаsе” іn еВау’s stосk рrісе frоm іts ~$10 lоw durіng thе 2008–2012 glоbаl rесеssіоn, thе fасt іs, іn Аugust 2007, іmmеdіаtеlу рrіоr tо thе bеgіnnіng оf thе GFС, whеn thе “Раіn Frоm Ваіn”, Јоhn Јоsерh Dоnаhое ІІ (аkа Јоhnnу Но)—nоw іntо thе еіghth уеаr оf hіs рlаnnеd “thrее-уеаr turnаrоund” оf еВау—wаs аlrеаdу еffесtіvеlу іn соntrоl оf еВау, thе shаrе рrісеs оf еВау аnd Аmаzоn wеrе bоth ~$40. Wіth еВау rесеntlу $300, сlеаrlу, thе “smаrt mоnеу” оn Wаll Ѕtrееt rесоgnіsеs еВау Іnс. tо bе а “dоg”, аnd Јоhnnу Но tо bе а vеrу рооr dоg hаndlеr. Тhе fасt іs, rеlаtіvеlу sреаkіng, еВау’s “lоng” stосkhоldеrs hаvе bееn gоіng bасkwаrds еvеr sіnсе thе сrеtіnоus, nаrсіssіstіс, sосіораthіс Јоhnnу Но tооk thе hеlm …

    Наd Ріеrrе Оmіdуаr іn Аugust 2007—bеfоrе hе аllоwеd thе соntrоl оf еВау tо раss tо thе dеlusіоnаl Јоhnnу Но—trаdеd іn јust thе ~108 mіllіоn еВау shаrеs thаt hе stіll hоlds tоdау fоr shаrеs іn Аmаzоn, іnstеаd оf hіs сurrеnt ~$6 bіllіоn, hіs wоrth wоuld nоw hаvе bееn ~$32 bіllіоn! Νоw thаt, surеlу, іs sоmеthіng fоr аll оf еВау’s lоng-suffеrіng shаrеhоldеrs, аnd shіlls, tо thіnk аbоut, іs іt nоt? …
  5. troutski

    troutski Guest

    Jul 2014
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    I mean, sure, eBay owns Paypal, so there's a connection. Other than that, you might win the award for the most irrelevant comment ever made. None of this has anything to do with Bitcoin or PayPal. eBay is a pretty terrible company, but it's still a successful one. So, thoughts on that?
  6. Rosyrain

    Rosyrain Senior Investor

    Apr 2014
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    I am still a little lost on the concept of bitcoins. I understand that it is digital currency, but can you exchange it for real cash? I think it is probably a good investment, but I do not know much about this currency and have heard a lot about it.
  7. JR Ewing

    JR Ewing Super Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 2014
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    Bitcoin took a huge hit over the weekend. Be very careful with any of this stuff.
  8. troutski

    troutski Guest

    Jul 2014
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    It's a cryptocurrency that's not controlled or regulated, except for the mining process. The value fluctuates wildly, depending upon outside factors. It's worth just over $300, but that value fluctuates every second, basically. It was a smart investment before it became closer to a mainstream currency. You can exchange it for real cash, and you can avoid paying taxes on that money if you do it properly. However, it's an extremely risky investment for most people, unless they've got tons of experience with such currencies.

    You can trade Bitcoin for goods and services, too. It's not something you really want to just purchase off an exchange and try to work like stocks, though. Then again, creating the right mining setup to get "free" Bitcoin isn't easy either. You're better off staying away.
  9. Profit5500

    Profit5500 Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    I don't know about that one I had used eBay to buy some things and I had a good experience with them. I have had great timing with the products that I ordered. It just depends on your overall experience with them being eBay.
  10. Gelsemium

    Gelsemium Senior Investor

    Apr 2014
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    PayPal is a great service and adding more currencies will only make it more complete and valuable.

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