Suffocating 'friends'

Discussion in 'The Cocktail Lounge' started by Nikkishea21, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. Nikkishea21

    Nikkishea21 Guest

    Dec 2014
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    Do you have individual/s in you lives who do not know when to pull back a bit and allow you space to breathe? I do. There is this girl down the road who works at the same place where I do, she started there about 8 months ago and I barely know this woman. She seem to be drawn to me and she will find me everyday and just talk non stop about things that are not even of interest to me. I get home in the evenings and I want to work done and sleep sometimes and there she is at my gate as soon as she changes her clothes hollering at me. I do not open the grill, I stand there and speak to her. One day a letter was left in the box and I went for it, this was the green light for her. She came inside and I told her I was sleepy (thinking she would say ok then later) she said she did not mind, I should go ahead and get some rest, she would watch a little TV. I am trying to find a way to break it to her as mildly as possible that I do not know her to the extent to be this close to her.
  2. shilpa123

    shilpa123 Banned

    Aug 2014
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    I do believe that such friendship should be kept at a distance and one should be really careful while making a friendship. I believe that one should be very honest with their friends.
  3. crimsonghost747

    crimsonghost747 Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    Yeah that sounds a bit too much. But you know... it just sounds like she has a crush on you.
    I don't have friends like this now, but I have in the past. Also I've got a huge case of this with some family members, which is even more horrible since I can't really tell them to just go away either since they are family.
  4. Rosyrain

    Rosyrain Senior Investor

    Apr 2014
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    You should be honest with her in that sometimes you just want to be left alone. Does she have other friends, perhaps she is lonely and is looking for some company. It sometimes happens when people move to a place they are not familiar with and have no other friends or family around.
  5. Muthoni

    Muthoni Guest

    Aug 2014
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    Some people do not like being alone even for a minute. If they find that you are available, they will take up every waking moment that you have. I used to have that kind of friend. I explained to her that since I am an introvert, I need some alone time to regroup after a hard day. She did not take it kindly. She left me alone when I stopped answering my door.
  6. tournique

    tournique Well-Known Member

    Jan 2015
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    I managed to pull myself to the brink of loneliness. I miss the feeling of being suffocated by friends though :(
  7. dianethare

    dianethare Senior Investor

    May 2014
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    You've reminded me of a case in my teenage years about this girl who really wanted us to be best forcefully, and when i started ignoring her she become a complete monster, she'd even hurtle stones at me, it took the intervention of my mom and some other leader in my youth club to calm the storm that was brewing, from that time till now, i love having space between myself and my friends plus i don't trust easily {that scenario taught me alot} @ Nikkishea21... you'll have to break this relationship before it weirds out...just my $0.02.

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