Hillary's E-Mail-Gate ...

Discussion in 'Politics Discussion' started by SteakTartare, Mar 13, 2015.

  1. SteakTartare

    SteakTartare Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    Good God, where do I even begin? She uses a less secure home server for all her mail. She claims it was because she didn't want two devices, despite a statement last month to the contrary and the fact a single device most certainly can handle two email accounts. Oh and we need to trust her that she turned over everything important. Those 30,000 messages she deleted? All personal, like weddings and yoga and stuff. Not to mention that though the Secretary of State, none of the mail involved classified material; right.

    This whole thing stinks to high heavens. I would invoke Nixon's name at this point, but his number of tapes are dwarfed by Mrs. Clinton. Ugh.

    P.S. I work in the senior management of an IT firm. Her claims are even more asinine to someone who's very familiar with the underlying technology.
  2. May102014

    May102014 Well-Known Member

    Jun 2014
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    I am not going to condemn Hillary for this email scandal. I find it interesting as to why this is such a major deal in news media. What Hillary does with her emails is nothing new under the sun to me. She's not the only politician who probably used a less secure home server for her emails. Hillary is simply the person who got caught but I don't find this situation as evidence that she is incapable of doing her job if she should run for President of the United States.
  3. JR Ewing

    JR Ewing Super Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 2014
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    It's looking very bad for Hillary. And yet another in a long line of Clinton scandals. They've always gotten away with murder (figuratively at least) in the past.

    This is a major issue - not some old granny simply innocently mixing up her personal and business emails. She could have perhaps claimed ignorance in 1998 or earlier, but not 2008 - not someone like her with such a high stakes position. And having the sophistication to have her own server further blows such claims out of the water - especially after she claimed it was Bill's, and that she and Bill have used it to exchange personal emails... despite the fact that Bill claims to have only ever emailed twice in his life, when he was still in office. :D


    The state dept is apparently dragging their feet on getting that document that she would have had to sign on her way out of office verifying that she had turned EVERYTHING over. My guess is that it won't be found. :rolleyes:


    Of course the DOJ won't move on this. :rolleyes:


    I think it's obvious that she's hiding all of the Benghazi stuff (among other things). My guess is that there was a "stand down" order in there somewhere - whether it was her idea or the White House's is perhaps the only question.

    Hopefully the Republicans will actually pursue this vigorously and not just play a little political theater and let her get away with this. I have a sick feeling that the fix is in, and they'll let her get away with stonewalling for whatever reason. It seems as though too many on both sides already resigned themselves a long time ago to the "fact" that she'll be the next president. They may not want to nail her - it seems that even many of the richest and most powerful like Trump, Sandy Weill, Rudy Giuliani, et al who have been outspoken against Obama seem to speak of her in deferential tones.

    Seems like all Goudy, Chavis, et al would have to do would be to obtain everything off the server from the company they bought the server from - I would assume they keep some sort of record on their end?
  4. JR Ewing

    JR Ewing Super Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 2014
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  5. Gelsemium

    Gelsemium Senior Investor

    Apr 2014
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    It's not as simple as it looks, these scandals always have something behind and most likely it's like you say JR, she was giving issues so this situation was created. I'd love to know who the hackers are. :)
  6. Determined2014

    Determined2014 Guest

    Jun 2014
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    I second you on that one, it does not prove that she is incapable of her job at all and what she does with her email is her own business, I think people sometimes like to make a bigger fuss ove something that is small
  7. queenbellevue

    queenbellevue Well-Known Member

    Feb 2015
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    Thirded. There's always more to a scandal than what the media gives us, remember that they want stories, so they're not going to run headlines about how the whole thing's a misunderstanding or something. I don't think this means she's incapable of doing her job either, but I think this will badly damage her campaign if she decides to run.
  8. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    I've been looking around the net and almost everywhere news writers are speculating that Hillary will go to jail. I doubt that she's going to be imprisoned but because her reputation has been badly tarnished she may decide not run for president after all.

    "Support for Clinton's candidacy has dropped about 15 percentage points since mid-February among Democrats, with as few as 45 percent saying they would support her in the last week, according to a Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll."
  9. gmckee1985

    gmckee1985 Senior Investor

    Sep 2014
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    I think it's a big issue. That being said, I still think she is the best shot the Democrats have at holding the White House. The rest of their field is incredibly bad. I still suspect she will run for president, and I wouldn't be surprised if she is successful. The Clintons have a long history of shady behavior and questionable ethics. It hasn't caught up with them yet. It would be nice if they were held to the same standards as everyone else, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
  10. SteakTartare

    SteakTartare Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    One interesting side effect of this is that since she is not being forthright (to put it mildly), this issue will likely continue to gurgle to the surface over the coming months and maybe into next year. Imagine that following her around during the 2016 primaries? No wonder some in the democrat camp are getting very worried.

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