Is it Time to Stand Up Against ISIS?

Discussion in 'Politics Discussion' started by gracer, Apr 26, 2015.

  1. gracer

    gracer Senior Investor

    Apr 2015
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    As more images of suffering children caught in between the Syrian government's fight against ISIS are shown on international news, the call for UN intervention heightens. Angelina Jolie's speech on a recent UN forum poses a question in my mind, is it really time for the United Nations to stand up against the extremist groups specifically the ISIS?
  2. JoshPosh

    JoshPosh Guest

    Sep 2014
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    I really think that Syria should handle their own problems at the moment. That is unless it becomes that cataclysmic where thousands of children are dying and Syria as asking the UN for help. Has Syria asked for help yet? If they haven't then I don't think the UN and USA should get involved.
  3. crimsonghost747

    crimsonghost747 Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    The UN can do very little against the ISIS. Nowadays most UN missions are just really small scale and often concentrate more on observing what is happening rather than stopping it. Most of the advanced western forces (USA, UK, France etc) prefer to conduct their own operations separate from the UN. And I definitely agree with Josh, this is not something that the west should get involved in too much. I'm fine with a bit of air strikes and intelligence etc, basically things to help out the local forces without putting too many of our own guys in danger.
  4. SteakTartare

    SteakTartare Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    It is well past time these cockroaches were put down. The UN, however, is characteristically worthless. It also isn't really a NATO fight, though one could argue since it is on Turkey's doorstep it could turn into one. Russia and Red China couldn't care less. That leaves the US and Europe, who are up to their eyeballs in debt and have a population not interested in yet another Middle East quagmire. In other words, the problem isn't going to be solved soon.
  5. JR Ewing

    JR Ewing Super Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 2014
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    Time to blow them back into the stone age before they get any worse.
  6. JoshPosh

    JoshPosh Guest

    Sep 2014
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    I can see where both of you are coming from. But should the Americans be the one to pay the price financially and with American soldiers lives, to take these guys out? We aren't the most welcomed people in the middle east. We are detested in certain parts. They don't want us there, why should we have to carry this burden and be the ones to take care of this.

    I say let them, the middle eastern countries take care of their own problems (for once), and the west should handle their own problems back home. We are not wanted there, and we should stay out and for once let the countries in question settle their own problems and differences. I don't see any other country invading our country wanting to put an end to corrupt and overzealous police officers. Why should we go to other parts of the world and solve their problems.
  7. dianethare

    dianethare Senior Investor

    May 2014
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    Sometimes i think these are just 'play tantrums' to get other people involved in what they ought not to be involved the first place...then the enemy who started these tactics/tantrums goes out and starts killing the people who came to help instill peace...i say back off and stop meddling in people's affairs... but i must say...power does a lot of crappy stuff..don't you think?!...all this is because of the need to have power and control!!
  8. SteakTartare

    SteakTartare Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    In a perfect world? No, it should be a problem for the Iraqis, Syrians, and other nations in the region to handle. It is their mess (geographically, culturally, etc.) to clean up. But this isn't a perfect world and I have serious doubts other countries have the political will, the military competence, or both, to get the job done.
  9. gracer

    gracer Senior Investor

    Apr 2015
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    I understand most of your sentiments. The question now is 'where are we expecting the people torn in between to go?' Should they be given chances somewhere else or should we just wait and see what happens next? It's such an irony that this kind of problem is happening in those places where Christianity used to rule.
  10. JoshPosh

    JoshPosh Guest

    Sep 2014
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    It is by popular belief that most of these people don't want Americans on their soil. So we should let it go and let them handle it. Their business, their land, their problem.

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