Growing Political Instability Threatening American Economy

Discussion in 'Politics Discussion' started by Taki, May 15, 2015.

  1. Taki

    Taki Active Member

    Jul 2014
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    The super rich may be as happy as pigs in mud but the average person is not feeling very confidentin the markets these days. Seems like every day we hear of some politiciantrying to change fundamental aspects of how our government works. Today itseems that some chucklehead in California wants to stop grand juries fromopening investigations into cops accused of abuses of power in that state. Andyou know that if they accomplish this in that state of states, your state isgoing to jump on the bandwagon next.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2016
  2. Fredrick Jones

    Fredrick Jones Well-Known Member

    Jan 2015
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    I don't know how serious the problem is. Chris Hedges just wrote a book that USA is on the edge of rebellion, the guy is a conspiracy nut but maybe he has a point. The US military seems to be running a lot of exercises on fighting insurrection. I have no idea why the politicians are doing these things, they will kill the goose that lays golden eggs. Modern USA seems to have all sorts of problems that everyone seems to be ignoring and sweeping under the carpet.
  3. gracer

    gracer Senior Investor

    Apr 2015
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    Not to mention the case of Freddie Gray who died because of the mishandling and negligence of the police officers. It has been a topic on the international news for several days especially when many states began rallying on the streets for justice. President Obama was even accused of racism because of his use of the word 'thug', which even provoked more anger out of the demonstrators. As I was watching the news about that, I was really beginning to wonder 'what's happening with America today?'
  4. JR Ewing

    JR Ewing Super Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 2014
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    I'm going to wait until the facts come out before I make any judgement on the Gray case. I suspect that he probably injured himself during the chase, which would explain them dragging him with his feet dangling as they loaded him into the van.

    It's obvious that the prosecutor is playing politics and is not being objective by pandering to the mobs and the race baiters. Experts are saying that it's unlikely that any of the officers are guilty of anything more than negligence, but I guess we'll have to wait until the facts come out. There have been numerous high-profile cases in recent years where police / white people were accused of unjustified killings against black men, and when the facts emerged, it turned out that the killings were in fact justified.

    Sharpton and others like him continue to make asses of themselves over and over by jumping the gun. But they continue to do so, because it enriches them. And the politicians like Obama and Holder, and their benefactors like Soros and the NBPP and the nation of islam get at least a little of the "change" they're looking for - more tax dollars transferred, more federal involvement in local police matters, local police becoming more and more "handcuffed" (pardon the pun), society becoming more and more politically correct, etc.
  5. My401K

    My401K Well-Known Member

    Dec 2014
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    I was listening to a radio show a few days ago and the host brought out a very good point in regards to all this stuff going on. It is about perception and because of all the new technology this perception can actually be faulty. In the past when there was things happening you would read it in the news or see it on the evening news on TV. Those were stories that were usually researched and fact checked. In this day and age of things like Facebook and blogs, things are not fact checked, yet they are regurgitated sometimes millions of times as if they were fact. Now more so then any other time in the world information has to be analyzed and as an individual we have to employ critical thinking. Millions of likes or views does not make something true, in fact if you consider the source you would understand that there are people out there that try to think up whatever they can in hopes it will go viral and they will be the next viral sensation.
  6. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    You know how propaganda works. Some "smart" person tells a lie. Again and again and again until people get to believe that what they are saying is true. Sure there are some fears that the government will impose martial because of social unrest, etc, etc but it won't get there.

    The government will convince everyone that they'd be safer if they surrendered more civil liberties. IMHO, the goal of everything [we are witnessing now] is to restructure the government, make the president more and more powerful and [once it's got to the point where the president can do whatever he pleases] the elite will place one of their own in power. And then . . . they'll get whatever it is they've always wanted.
  7. Fredrick Jones

    Fredrick Jones Well-Known Member

    Jan 2015
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    Yes living standards in America are going up, despite the contrary evidence. 25% of the population is now on food stamps, 25% of the population is now under employed. It now takes two people working in a family to provide what one person working provided 30+ years ago. But don't worry things are getting better. Sounds like George Orwell's 1984, except the book was supposed to be fiction.
  8. Onionman

    Onionman Senior Investor

    Dec 2014
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    I honestly don't think that there is anything really new here. I agree with a previous poster that says that social media has simply brought it more to the fore now, and as a result our perceptions are influenced. To a greater or lessor degree, we are just going over the same arguments, turmoils, conditions and worries that society always goes through. Yes, society evolves and new legislation comes in to outlaw certain things. But the human condition hasn't changed so some of the underlying issues will continue to pop up.
  9. gmckee1985

    gmckee1985 Senior Investor

    Sep 2014
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    I don't think the current political environment is anything we haven't seen before. I mean, do you not remember the Civil War? I think that was just a tad bit bigger of a political conflict than the goofy circus that we sometimes see today. Our problems are just blown out of proportion because of social media, and the sensationalist news media that makes every little thing into a huge event to get people worked up.

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