Who Is Burning "Black" Churches?

Discussion in 'Politics Discussion' started by Rainman, Jul 7, 2015.

  1. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    There are conspiracy theories circulating around the net that the silence surrounding the enigma that has a number of people perplexed "speak volumes." Lots of fingers point at white supremacy groups like the KKK but so far since none of them groups have claimed responsibility investigators must treat the cases as arson. That's the sensible thing to do rather than call it a hate crime [when as yet there's no proof to indicate it was a hate crime] and get people all excited.

    Recently though an African-American was arrested for leaving racist messages outside a predominantly black church. What if the churches were burned by some African-Americans who are out to cause trouble?
  2. pwarbi

    pwarbi Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    I think until somebody does come out and admit responsibility for what's going on, it's probably best not to speculate. There will always be conspiracy theories but until the authorities do manage to come out and make a breakthrough, I think rumours are going to do more harm than good.
  3. JoshPosh

    JoshPosh Guest

    Sep 2014
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    Anything is possible. If you want to incite a war of ethnicity, then that is a way to go about doing it. Everyone is going to point at a hate group for responsibility. To think that another black person would do such a thing is unheard of, but it is a possibility in my mind. It can happen to spark one persons or groups idea of how things should be or self serving reasons.
  4. Penny

    Penny Well-Known Member

    Jun 2015
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    The last round of church burnings was just your typically anti-social off-kilter young guy. It is easy to come up with florid theories but the truth tends to be the same predictable sad thing most of the time. Young dudes with no purpose in life and no moral center--whether they act on their own or are sucked into some groups sick ideology that makes them feel special and needed in the world.
  5. baudwalk

    baudwalk Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    It's late spring and summer. Thunderstorms happen. If you dig deeper into the "story" most of the recently reported church fires were started by lightning. Yes, a few fires were arson, but the number was in the single digits. I saw the investigative story on Fox News or CNN some days ago. Google or Bing or Yahoo search will probably find the report itself or the research behind it.
  6. Rosyrain

    Rosyrain Senior Investor

    Apr 2014
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    I hope we are not emerging into a war on race in the US. There have always been people who will kill black people and.set their buildings on fire, and it mostly happens in the south US. There is still a great deal of racism down in that part of the world.

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