Oldest Koran Predates Mohammed

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Rainman, Sep 1, 2015.

  1. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    Fragments of an old Koran found in a Birmingham library was written long before Mohammad was born. Carbon dating reveals that the Koran's text was written between 568 A.D and 644 AD. If the Koran predates him then Mohammad isn't the founder of Islam. Does it prove that Mohammad was no prophet? An impostor?
  2. Corzhens

    Corzhens Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    I think I have come across an article that says the new testament of the Bible is older than Jesus who is the focus of the new testament. There may be some errors in carbon dating or in the time attributed to the birth of Mohammed. But at any rate, that flaw, if it is real, will not matter much to the Muslims because belief and faith is in their minds and nothing can change it even with little facts like that. At the most, some Muslim denomination will be fragmented but Islam remains in them.
  3. 111kg

    111kg Guest

    Aug 2015
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    As much as I dislike the Islam, this doesn't mean anything, mainly because they've tested the paper and not the ink. Paper was recycled in those days, you know, but many people seem to forget this. I think that it's a bit too soon to pull any conclusions, at least until the ink goes through the same carbon dating process.
  4. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    I wonder though should it be conclusively proved that the Koran was written before Mohammad was born would Muslims believe it? They'd, I think, dismiss the whole thing as being false.
    I've heard those theories which claim that Jesus was copied from the pagan gods but I expect atheists and other God-haters will say anything to convince themselves religion is a fairy tale.
  5. shyinvestor

    shyinvestor Active Member

    May 2015
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    Religion is just as fake as the characters that there are described there... Koran as the bible are just stories which gained a huge popularity and believers all around the world and I wouldn't be suprised if this Mohammed would have been an impostor.
  6. JoshPosh

    JoshPosh Guest

    Sep 2014
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    All religions and it's text was written by primitive and cruel men that had no clue as to how the world worked. They conjured up stories of fantasy to control the weak minded. Their naivety and wanting to belong something bigger lead them to being controlled by these men.

    It is well documented that the story of Jesus is not new. There are several Pagan and Egyptian gods that came before Jesus and had the same back story.

    Horus the Egyptian God, had 12 disciples, born of a virgin, his birth was announced by a star, visited by 3 wise men. Was baptized at age 30 by anup the baptiser. He walked on water, performed miracles, raised at least one person from the dead. He was later crucified, buried in a tomb, and later resurrected. Sounds almost verbatim to Jesus Christ at the point where it is clearly a rip.

    Mithra the Zoroastrian God, was born from a virgin on December 25th, of all dates. He too had 12 companions or disciples. He too performed miracles before sacrificing his life to save the world and in 3 days he was resurrected. He was known as the Messiah, the Truth and the light, and the Savior.

    Krishna is a Hindu God. He mother was impregnated by a god. His birth was attended by angels and wise man that gave him gold. Like jesus his birth lead to a tyrant that ordered all babies to be slaughtered. He too performed miracles, healed the deaf and blind, rose from the dead to ascend to heaven and will return to fight the prince of darkness. Does any of this ring a bell?

    Osiris........I think you guys know where I am going with this one. Same back story as Jesus. He too was called the Kings of Kings.
  7. TheApollonian

    TheApollonian Well-Known Member

    Aug 2015
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    There isn't a result out yet and people are already speculating. Whatever result there is though when it's against the teachings of Islam then I promise you it won't get accepted, won't get coverage and it will be denied continuously throughout history.

    That's what the Vatican did to the book of Judas and Mary. Some things are just set in stone you won't be able to challenge it unless you make your own denomination/religion.
  8. Benoit W

    Benoit W Well-Known Member

    Mar 2016
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    Qurаn didn't саmе in а dаy but in а spаn оf 23 yеаrs.Thе Rеvеlаtiоns Саmе tо Prоphеt Muhаmmеd (Pbuh),Whеnеvеr rеvеlаtiоn саmе tо Prоphеt Muhаmmеd (Pbuh),Thе disсiplеs mаdе nоtе оf it.

    Muslims bеliеvе thаt thе Qurаn is thе Spеесh оf Gоd аnd nоt а bооk writtеn by Muhаmmаd (pbuh) himsеlf. Thе infоrmаtiоn аbоvе prоvidеs еvidеnсе fоr thе prеsеrvаtiоn оf thе Qur'аn, but whаt suggеsts thаt it wаs асtuаlly thе wоrd оf Gоd?
  9. manoharb

    manoharb Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    If I am not wrong Sunni Muslims accepted Mohammed as a last prophet and Shias accepted Mohammed and next prophet as their prophets. Even Mohammed isn't founder of Islam. he will be called as a prophet, not an impostor.who is founder of Islam ? can't be a right question, because, religion is 1 ideology and It comes out from Enlightened Human or Prophet's brain.
    I think, this is law of world, 1 ideology gains success in 1 particular time and when fake followers increase, that religion, become minority. Once 75% population of world was Buddhist, Today, not even 10%. I will not get surprised, If tomorrow, another Religion or ideology get introduced in world by any other prophet and then Christianity and Islam will become minority, same like Judaism, Buddhism, Jainism. In my country 3000+ Religions and 1200+ languages with different cultures.I'm part of minority class religion too. In fact, I don't know, what is my religion by birth in 3000+ religion. because, my religion's name is 'Sanatana' which means, which starts with nothing, ends with nothing. means you find your own way of enlightenment. You enlightened by Christian worships, Islamic worships or Buddhist worships don't matters. you achieved your destiny that's important. simple business logic, show results, how you achieved that, boss or god will not ask. he will just ask, you did what i told you to do ? if not, then why you are working in my office ? simple logic, If you are following 1 religion and nothing productive is coming out from you, which is helpful for humanity and society, then what's point in following religion ? why you are following religion ? for fame ? for free respect ? for wealth ? or just for fun ? If nothing productive is coming out, then you are worst than animal and by nature cycle, you will demolish yourself.

    so, who is founder of Islam ? what was story of Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed etc.? nothing productive, It is good for time-pass if we didn't understood enlightenment was their destiny and they achieved that and they showed path of religion to us, because, they also know enlightenment is destiny of all humans. they wanted to help us. so, they offered something productive, but fake followers are using religion as a chewing-gum or Tobacco, after chewing that, they can just spit .
  10. UnslaadKrosis

    UnslaadKrosis Active Member

    Jan 2016
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    Wait what? Buddhism was NEVER the religion of 75 % of the world's population. Even at the peak of its popularity. Buddhism was and has been through history, very concentrated to the South-East Asian Countries. It saw a rise during the rule of the Ashoka and his successors, but even then it was the minority religion of India, a country where it originated.

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