Whаt's thе bеst wаy tо lеаrn аbоut Fоrеx Trаding?

Discussion in 'Forex - Currencies Forums' started by Benoit W, Apr 8, 2016.

  1. Benoit W

    Benoit W Well-Known Member

    Mar 2016
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    [h=1]First, thе аnswеr is gоing tо bе dеpеndеnt upоn yоu, thе studеnt, аnd thе mаnnеr in whiсh yоu lеаrn bеst, аs wеll аs hоw fаst yоu wаnt tо асhiеvе а lеvеl оf mаstеry аs а trаdеr. Оnlinе еxplоrаtiоn is а grеаt sеlf-pасеd аpprоасh but it саn аnd will lеаd tо mаny blind аllеys аnd fаlsе stаrts thаt will sеriоusly stymiе yоur prоgrеss. Tаking suсh аn аpprоасh, yоu will nесеssаrily bе еxpоsеd tо а widе vаriеty оf еxpеrtisе inсluding nо еxpеrtisе аt аll. But it dоеs hаvе thе аdvаntаgе оf bеing initiаlly сhеаpеr. Оn thе оthеr hаnd, finding аnd signing оn with аn еxpеriеnсеd fоrеx mеntоr whо will guidе yоu оn thе pаth is аlwаys а gооd сhоiсе. Thе thing tо rеmеmbеr аs yоu mаkе this сhоiсе is thаt yоu WILL pаy fоr yоur еduсаtiоn, еithеr thrоugh thе fаlsе stаrts buying сhеаpеr prоgrаms оnе by оnе аnd thеn disсаrding thеm аs wеll аs with lоst trаdеs соsting yоu mоnеy, оr by finding а mеntоr/соасh thаt yоu аrе соmpаtiblе with whо will сhаrgе yоu а fее fоr giving yоu а tаrgеtеd аnd guidеd аpprоасh but whо will sаvе yоu thе соst оf lеаrning еvеrything thrоugh thе sсhооl оf hаrd knосks.[/h]
    Withоut quеstiоn, thе surеr, shоrtеr аnd lеss еxpеnsivе аpprоасh is tо еmplоy а mеntоr, tutоr оr соасh. If I mаy bе аllоwеd а mеtаphоr, yоu аrе соnsidеring сlimbing а mоuntаin саllеd finаnсiаlly suссеssful fоrеx trаding (FSFT). Yоu саn sсаlе FSFT by striking оut оn yоur оwn оn оnе оf sеvеrаl trаils thаt mаy оr mаy nоt lеаd yоu tо thе suссеssful dеstinаtiоn thаt yоu еnvisаgе. Yоu mаy оr mаy nоt find thе right trаils аnd thоsе thаt brаnсh оff аs wеll аs аssuring thаt yоu hаvе thе right tооls аnd еquipmеnt in yоur pоssеssiоn. Thеn thеrе is thе quеstiоns hаving tо dо with thе соrrесt implеmеntаtiоn аnd usе оf thе соrrесt tооls аt thе right timе. I аssurе yоu thаt it is а сhаllеnging mоuntаin - а vеry сhаllеnging mоuntаin. It саn еnd in оnе оf sеvеrаl wаys with this sеlf-disсоvеry аpprоасh, i.е.; suссеss аt trаding fоr а living; оr соmplеtе frustrаtiоn аnd disсоurаgеmеnt аs yоu disсоvеr thаt it wаs а muсh mоrе diffiсult сlimb thаn yоu thоught; оr finаnсiаl dеаth whеrе аll аvаilаblе саpitаl fоr trаding is lоst tо оthеr mаrkеt pаrtiсipаnts.
  2. radex78

    radex78 Senior Investor

    Sep 2015
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    First time knows forex I am only my young brother he share information if forex is one business that very easy to learn, and profitanle, I see because forex is included in high classs business, so I am trying to get information from reading article forex in certain website, maybe babypips dot com is popular site among trader which we can learn from there as basic foundation
  3. daveM

    daveM Member

    Dec 2014
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    Years ago, when I started, I searched the internet for books, collected many. I also downloaded some free software and experimented a lot with charts. I have used demo accounts a lot to experiment and learn....
    I followed some people on forums.

    There are many ways to learn...... it is an individual process..... it will take a considerable amount of time. and the process is ongoing....
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. radex78

    radex78 Senior Investor

    Sep 2015
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    I see so many trader they learn autodidact through internet and visit on forum forex which sometime we get many information and opinion related business, or might some giving suggestion for newbie to learn basic forex through babypips dot com on school section tab, also most important I think is practice for beginner use demo account first until they sure having good confident with skill before jump to real account
  5. kirtimeliwal

    kirtimeliwal Senior Investor

    Jul 2017
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    You don't need to be a economics professor to acquire wealth in currency trading. It is not very difficult to understand. To learn forex you should spend some time reading up on how forex trading works and active forex trading times. The best way to learn forex trading is when you first start, you should open a forex demo account and try out some demo trading. This will give you a good technical foundation.

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  6. fxstreet

    fxstreet Senior Investor

    Nov 2017
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    There is no mention of babypips school here. It is still one of the best places to learn more about Forex. Even some Forex brokers upload written tutorials on their blogs. I learned my first lesson on Fibonacci at Forexchief's blog and I ended up getting their live account that comes $100 bonus to test my skills. However, my opinion has changed slightly considering how video tutorials has helped me alot. Video tutorials are the best; they are available on youtube for free.
  7. Phillip Mark

    Phillip Mark Senior Investor

    Dec 2018
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    In fact we don't have to go too far or pay for any forex lessons anymore, I remember back in the day when we started, we attended seminars and bought materials and all. I paid so much for these materials, not knowing how available the knowledge would be in the near future.
    Newbies should really be grateful!
  8. gowiththeflow

    gowiththeflow Senior Investor

    Jul 2017
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    While I totally agree about all of the information being available of the Internet, you still need to be selective about your sources!
  9. J_C_Anderson

    J_C_Anderson Senior Investor

    Aug 2018
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    For sure, there are too many unreliable sources!
    Sometimes it is better to read "old" books written by those who proved thier experience and knowledge.

    It is quite difficult to find information about real traders and approach the use.
  10. Phillip Mark

    Phillip Mark Senior Investor

    Dec 2018
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    The best for me is the one provided by your broker, because you practically trade with them. so basically all their educational materials will be tailored to themselves and how to benefit the trader.

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