Elizabeth Warren

Discussion in 'Politics Discussion' started by SteakTartare, Dec 17, 2014.

  1. SteakTartare

    SteakTartare Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    Elizabeth Warren, what can I say, yikes! Her apparent hostility to the free market really makes me take pause and, from what I've seen, she's a potential serious candidate in 2016.

    Thoughts on her candidacy? Do you think she'll upstage Hillary?
  2. JR Ewing

    JR Ewing Super Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 2014
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    I actually would prefer she'd get the nomination - I think she'd get far fewer votes in the election than Hillary would and would be much more easy for the Repubs to beat. But I doubt she'd even win the nomination, particularly against Hillary.
  3. SteakTartare

    SteakTartare Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    Truth that. I've seen more of her since posting and she looks more like a caricature of the left than anything else. Its disturbing enough that she's in the Senate, let along a presidential candidate.
  4. Allison2021

    Allison2021 Well-Known Member

    Jun 2014
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    I love Elizabeth Warren!
    I greatly appreciate how adamantly she continues to sound out the alarm about our nation's devastating Student Loan crisis. She has shown proof that our nation owes more in student loan debt than all credit card debt combined. Think about it carefully. Young adults have placed their financial lives on hold. They do not have the financial capabilities to purchase their first automobile. Instead of an auto they are paying off Student Loan debt all while living at home with their parents.
    Many people in my generation remember an auto was the first big ticket item we purchased upon leaving college. Then, we mortgaged our first house. Currently, young adults are too busy paying off thirty-thousand dollars worth of Student Loan debt. My generation, wants to sell off their current properties to downsize. However, those in their thirties and forties are still paying down student loan debt instead of mortgaging their second home.
    That Student Loan debt negatively affects home ownership, mortgages, auto manufacturers and sellers of household items that are purchased from Home Depot, Sears or Lowes.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2014
  5. SteakTartare

    SteakTartare Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    Well, it looks like she is not running for president. She's stated in pretty strong terms that she is not running in '16. It does leave us with a hilarious question: who do the Dems have?

    Biden? (teehee)
    Clinton? More baggage than Samsonite.
    Bernie Sanders? Literally and openly a Socialist.

    Things could get interesting. ;)
  6. Thejamal

    Thejamal Guest

    Mar 2014
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    Warren is an idiot who I disagree with on just about everything there is to disagree about on.

    There's no chance she upstages Hillary though. This is Hillary's shot with the democratic party and I can't honestly see anyone seriously challenging her for the nomination. Warren doesn't have close to the same level of appeal that Hillary does to the public.
  7. gmckee1985

    gmckee1985 Senior Investor

    Sep 2014
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    From what I've heard of her views she practically sounds like a Marxist. I think she'd be an abysmal general election candidate as Americans are typically center to center right. I just dont think far left candidates can win anywhere except on the coasts. Middle America is pretty conservative.

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