Illegal Immigrant Kills 18 -Yr-Old, Burns 3 Yr Old Kid Alive

Discussion in 'Politics Discussion' started by Rainman, Jul 9, 2015.

  1. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    An illegal immigrant who'd previously been deported but managed to sneak back into the U.S murdered his 18-yr-old girlfriend and her 3 year old son, in Washington. He shot the two before stuffing them into a burning car but coroners were certain the boy had been burned alive. Obama-haters were all over social media declaring that he's just as guilty because he opened up the borders allowing murderous illegals to flood in.
  2. rightct

    rightct Well-Known Member

    Apr 2015
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    It seemed to have calmed down lately, but now this situation pops out of nowhere... for how long will these scum people continue doing these horrendous things? It's really only against them, they won't spread any kind of message whatsoever but hate.
  3. JoshPosh

    JoshPosh Guest

    Sep 2014
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    I can't believe he tried to let all illegals get jobs. I know this will help out the economy from the collection of taxes, but these guys need to pay for their visas and extensions. I pay them just to go places around the world and they should too. Look at how much money the country would get if they actually paid for these visas.

    But on a serious note, an illegal came back into the country and kill a citizen. One of the main reasons why we need border control.
  4. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    The government can stop illegals from coming in but don't because the Corporations won't let the leaders do the work they were elected to do. They [the Corporations] need cheap labor and since they can exploit illegal immigrants to make bigger profits they'll do whatever it takes to ensure there's a steady supply of cheap labor. A leader who can stand up to the Corporations — that's the only answer to the problem.
  5. JR Ewing

    JR Ewing Super Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 2014
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    Liberal Dems want more voters, establishment Republicans and many limo libs want cheap labor and more consumers for their businesses.
  6. dianethare

    dianethare Senior Investor

    May 2014
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    Illegals or legals, in my opinion, we are just living at a time where I think people have completely lost their minds...a normal human being does not wake up one morning, go to a school or a movie hall and start shooting people senselessly...just so he can feel alive...{the numerous teenage boys who've rampaged schools and committed heinous crimes...aren't they legal?!}...same case with illegals...lets not stereotype...the whole world has just gone crazy!
  7. May102014

    May102014 Well-Known Member

    Jun 2014
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    Actually the story you just described happens all the time among American born citizens here in this country. So, those individuals are just seeking another reason to hate the President. I have become numb to the persistent hate all day long over any action done by someone and somehow President Obama is at fault. If one truly did their research, the crisis at the borders began under President Reagan and was never fully address by any other sitting President since then. Somehow, President Obama is responsible for these past transgressions too without including the fact you need congressional support and approval to get legislation pass to handle the crisis. There is only so many executive orders the President can do alone without over extending his power.
  8. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    You see the reason why many people are pretty riled up is because they believe that had these illegals been stopped from crossing over the crimes would not have been committed. But yes, I do get your point. The facade of us being civilized is crumbling. What's the problem? Why are people more violent? Those I fear, are questions which might never be answered but it's an indication that the decay of society is accelerating and acts a harbinger of it's approaching end. What follows next? Authoritarian governments that will attempt to restore some sanity?
  9. Penny

    Penny Well-Known Member

    Jun 2015
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    If the borders were sealed other things would happen like crops would rot on the ground and the hotel industry would be crippled. The US economy depends on labor that will work without benefits, at and below minimum wage, and seasonally with no guarantees of future employment. So good luck with that.

    I have yet to see an analysis that shows illegal immigrants commit more crime than citizens. Just hysterical reporting trying to panic people into supporting policies that would actually make their lives worse. I live in Chicago so there is plenty of murder here of the home grown variety.

    As an immigrant I wish Americans would not by into the hype. Violent crime is at an all time low in the country, racial disparity is smaller than it has ever been, education levels are at their highest. Things in the US are not in fact falling apart and there was no wonderful golden age in the past when it was all good. People should look around and realize how good things actually are.

    The media has brainwashed a nation of largely middle class, safe, privileged people into thinking the sky is falling because murder still happens sometimes. Albeit less than ever before.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2015
  10. L_B

    L_B Well-Known Member

    Jul 2015
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    I agree with this totally. We live in a completely different world then we use to. There is a lot more violence and terrible things happening and it got nothing to do with being legal or illegal. It is a terrible thing that happened. It breaks my heart to think of what that woman and child went through at the hands of that man. We need stiffer laws. Things like this are just going to keep happening and its getting worse. Sad but true!

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