Religions are fairy tales for adults. Should we encourage them to grow up?

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by MalorieJX, Aug 6, 2015.

  1. blive1

    blive1 New Member

    Aug 2015
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    Sorry for the multiple posts. Am new to the Forum and thought I was editing my first post for a couple grammatical errors, but ending up with two additional posts and don't see a way to delete the first two posts.
  2. SteakTartare

    SteakTartare Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    Which "evolutionist" would that be? Please provide the quote and cite the source.

    The burden of proof rests upon the one making the claim. There is no such burden to disprove a claim. Be that as it may, the Bible is loaded with historical inaccuracies, supernatural events, questionable ethical positions (e.g., slavery), and contradictions galore.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2016
  3. TheApollonian

    TheApollonian Well-Known Member

    Aug 2015
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    Although the Bible may contain stories it does not signify any relation to fairytales. Religion is a metaphor for God and faith, we are all children with adult bodies so why should we remove ourselves from spiritual life? I don't like debates about religion because we all experience it differently and one opinion against the other is just sound and fury.
  4. gmckee1985

    gmckee1985 Senior Investor

    Sep 2014
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    The constant demonization of religious folks is getting a bit old. Seems that people only want to judge and bash religious folks, when that's what they accuse religious people of doing all the time. It's quite hypocritical. No, I don't believe religions are fairy tales. Most folks in the world are religious in some way. Are we all just delusional or living in a fantasy land? I highly doubt it. We are here for a purpose. I don't believe that life is random and meaningless.
  5. JoshPosh

    JoshPosh Guest

    Sep 2014
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    I look at it this way. It's not a far fetched idea either. Eventually all kids will be told and or realize that Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny were made up to entertain them and keep them behaved the whole year in anticipation that they will get something for following the rules and being obedient. Now what would happen if you never turned them on to the idea that they were make believe? You would have a world full of idiots thinking that a imaginary fat man flies around in a magic sleigh delivering presents to only the good loyal subjects. Not the bad ones. The bad ones get coal.

    This is the same view I have about religion. If they can't see the truth at their age now, you might as well give up. Stubborn as I am about not believing, I am sure not going to try and prove his non existence to followers.
  6. nissi

    nissi Well-Known Member

    Oct 2015
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    Christianity isn't religion, it's an actual true relationship with Christ (God). What is a fairy tale for adults, is believing everything happened by random chance and evolution.
  7. TimOD

    TimOD New Member

    Oct 2015
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    I think that about 90% of the people on this thread who are commenting about how bad religion is, should take all of that genius they claim to have and use it when spelling. Heck, they could even use those stupendous brains they have and use spell check. I used to think that there's nothing better than to see some idiot who is bragging about how smart they are and they use poor grammar or spelling. However, I've found something better, idiots who brag about how smart they are, while demeaning my faith to show how much smarter than me they are, who use poor grammar and spelling.

    Religions are not fairy tales and I am not a dummy for choosing to have faith in a God I cannot see. Religions are well documented in many cases. My particular religion is brought to us through a book that is as much a history book as it is a guideline of my faith. That history is complete with well witnessed miracles and acts by God and his son Jesus Christ that defy natural acts any man could carry out. The greatest of which is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It also has a great message that basically boils down to "do for others more than you do for yourself". So, do they deny other parts of documented history because they did not witness them?

    As for the treatment of women & gays I saw so many times in comments. The fact that my religion does not allow women priests is not a mistreatment. Women can become nuns in the Catholic Church. These are just different jobs. Gays are not mistreated, although at one time they may have been. It is just our belief that they are sinners, as we all are. So what? We're taught to love the sinners as well as the saints. Just because we all sin, God and our fellow church members do not love us any less.

    Now, some religions were brought about to explain things which could not be explained, for example the worship of Ra the sun god. However, I believe that the well documented history that is brought to me by the Bible. to be true. I believe that to this day there are still miracles that happen and are well documented. A good example of this is, all saints must have 3 miracles in their name before they can be canonized. The "devil's advocate" will try their best to disprove these. When they can't explain these away they may become declared a miracle. If that process doesn't help you to keep the faith, (even though I gave you the abridged version) what does?

    And I'm the dumb one?
  8. missbishi

    missbishi Well-Known Member

    Jan 2015
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    As a Christian, shouldn't you be praying for these people afflicted with "stupendous brains"? Shouldn't you be forgiving them, as Jesus would?

    I'm sure you already know that the seven deadly sins stem from the eight evil thoughts, as documented by Evagrius Ponticus in the fourth century. Your post has vainglory written all over it. It's behaviour like this that prevents Christianity from being taken more seriously.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2016
  9. kgord

    kgord Senior Investor

    Aug 2015
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    I have to admit I have often thought this myself, however, religion has given comfort and solace to millions that couldn't be soothed. There is also a lot of evidence that events in the bible actually took place. I think belief is a choice, and if that is what makes you happy you should be able to believe as you want. Plus in terms of religion there have been too many things that can be explained by science or conventional means. I think a divine being exists..but in terms of granting your everyday silly wishes I doubt he or she cares.
  10. FrankieD

    FrankieD Well-Known Member

    Aug 2015
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    True, however don't extraordinary claims require some good evidence? On top of that, what does it tell you when religions make incompatible claims, can't be supported with any evidence, yet act like their religion is right while the others are wrong? It tells me to get out the BS flag.

    If you can't demonstrate something (religion) is true and there is no reason to disqualify the other competing claims (religions) to truth, then there is no good reason to buy it and absolutely no good reason to ignore all the signs that the supernatural claims about our reality are totally made up nonsense.

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