Any other non-American Trump supporters here?

Discussion in 'Politics Discussion' started by Hedonologist, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. petesede

    petesede Guest

    Dec 2014
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    Trumps followers are the poorest and most uneducated segment of the Republican party. Those are the same people Hitler first rallied when he was trying to get into power. Hitler used jews and gypsies as the reason the poor people are poor. Trump is using muslims and latinos. But it is the same thing, you rally the poorest people, get them angry at ´someone else´ and then feed on that anger.

    I do not think Trump is Hitler because I do not think he believes what he is saying. He already has supposedly said that he isn´t even going to build the wall. But he knows politics and the map, and when he announced he was running for President and during his speech said ´Mexicans are rapists´.. he did that so he would win the south. And it worked, as someone who lived in the south, i will tell you that racism trumps religion, which is why you see him winning ´evangelicals´ instead of Cruz.. The KKK is a religious organization and would identify themselves as evangelical christians. What Trump did was no different than what George Wallace did. Won the south with racism.

    But the similarities to Hitler are there ( if we are looking at how Hitler came to power). Create a mob of angry poor people and blame someone else for their problems.
  2. petesede

    petesede Guest

    Dec 2014
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    The Republican party has always been controlled by rich white guys, and they just know how to use certain topics to get enough poor people to follow them. Karl Rove and the Koch bros are masters at manipulating poor people, but the reality is the only thing the establishment really cares about is tax cuts. Everything else on the platform is just nonsense they use to get enough votes to win. Bush won... what did he accomplish? tax cuts. Did he do anything about abortion? did he do anything about balancing the budget or making the gov´t smaller? He did not push any agenda at all except for tax cuts. Republicans have been in charge of both houses of congress for awhile.. where have they tried to make gov´t smaller? Where have they done anything about gay rights or abortion.

    Trump just seized on the fact that the Establishment has been playing the masses for a fool for the last 20 years. They do not even attempt to push their agenda except for tax cuts. Cruz, and this is why he is hated, is the only one who legitimately pushes for smaller gov´t, the others just talk about it at election time.
  3. ScooterBrandon

    ScooterBrandon Senior Investor

    Jun 2015
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    I had never heard of the secure fence act, you know that really changes what Trumps is trying to do.
    So he's not saying "I hate Mexicans lets build a big wall" he's more saying "I'm going to complete the wall that the last administration couldn't no matter what people think"
  4. artyarson

    artyarson Active Member

    Mar 2016
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    Well, I think Donald Trump will win the most primaries inside his party. There's no real alternative to him. He's the most charismatic politician in these elections.

    So, in October/November it will be Trump vs Clinton. And I can't say now who will win, eventually. Both are solid.
  5. Hedonologist

    Hedonologist Well-Known Member

    Sep 2014
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    Well, I'm from the UK and I proudly accept myself as racist. Just because a section of society does not consider it OK, that doesn't mean that it isn't. To be frank we don't really care if other people do not accept our racism, we won't shy away from it just because a few people consider it taboo.

    If all other races are racist, you have to be as an act of self defence.
  6. Alex

    Alex Senior Investor

    Apr 2015
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    Do all your friends, family and colleagues know you call yourself a racist? Would you proudly declare that to people when you go for an interview for a job or when you meet people?

    Anti-race laws exist for a reason. One may be racist and it's not illegal, but it is illegal to use racism publicly as in the work situation.

    This is a BBC definition;
    "Racism is when someone is discriminated against (singled out) because of their race, the colour of their skin, their nationality, their accent or first language, or their ethnic or national origin. Racism is a hate crime, and is illegal."
  7. Benoit W

    Benoit W Well-Known Member

    Mar 2016
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    It dоеsn't. His nеt fаvоrаbly rаting (pеrсеntаgе оf pеоplе whо likе him minus thе pеrсеntаgе whо dislikе him) is -25%. Spесifiсаlly, 33% оf Аmеriсаns pоllеd likе him (whiсh is disgusting) аnd 58% dislikе him. Ninе pеrсеnt sоmеhоw hаvе nо оpiniоn. Sо if wе wеrе fоrсеd tо сhооsе а vеrb fоr whаt Аmеriса dоеs rеgаrding Dоnаld Trump, it wоuld nоt bе 'suppоrts'. It wоuld hаvе tо bе 'hаtеs'.
  8. ScooterBrandon

    ScooterBrandon Senior Investor

    Jun 2015
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    So it's not "a few people" that are "considering it taboo."
    It's not that a section of people consider it bad, it's that the MAJORITY of educated members of civil society know that it's wrong and immoral.
    So much so we enshrined it into law.
    Feel free to think whatever you want, I don't care if in your head you think a magically sky-lord will shoot lightening bolts at you if you masturbate.
    BUT don't for a damn second expect to be taken seriously, and don't think that you can infringe on the rights of other because you have irrational fears about their race.
  9. 111kg

    111kg Guest

    Aug 2015
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    Romanian here that would also vote for Trump. Why? While I definitely don't agree with all his ideas, I do think that he is a great business person and a great marketer. Keep in mind that a lot of his employees consider him a nice person and a real helper. I think that he knows exactly what he's doing by making unpolite/bold statements: he's trying to make only a certain sector of the Americans to vote for him. It's true that this isn't characteristic for the USA in any manner, but Bernie Sanders doesn't appear to know anything about the monetary policy, Hillary Clinton is backed up by some shady people, while Trump is the only one left who at least has an idea of what he's doing.
  10. crimsonghost747

    crimsonghost747 Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    It's not a bad definition. However it fails to mention how, at least in the western world, racism has to be directe towards non-white people. For example if someone doesn't accept a foreigner to work in his company, he can't use the "foreign" part as the reason why. However it doesn't work the other way around. For here it has been in the official policy of at least 1 city (that I know of) that if there are two equally qualified people for a job, the job has to go to the foreign person/immigrant instead of the local guy. That is discrimination, worse than that it's discrimination against their own people.

    The whole racism thing has been taken so far out of context that it's ridiculous.

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