Jesus sacrificed himself to save us

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by roger1003, Mar 20, 2016.

  1. roger1003

    roger1003 Active Member

    Mar 2016
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    I wanted to say my belief about Easter since Easter is approaching. Jesus was born to save us. Before Jesus was born, mankind is so evil that most will be put to hell. I believe that God already foresaw the future and the only to save us is to have an angel go down to Earth and preach. However, that angel will suffer an unbearable pain. No one volunteered, except for Jesus. Jesus went down to Earth to teach us the words of God so the future will be different. I'm thinking if Jesus did not do this, we might all be criminals with chaos everywhere.
  2. knitmehere

    knitmehere Well-Known Member

    Oct 2015
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    Honestly, I don't feel as though there was any more or less evil in the world before Christ than there is now.

    What I've never understood is how a god could make evil people and then condemn them for being that way.
  3. ScooterBrandon

    ScooterBrandon Senior Investor

    Jun 2015
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    I have always thought the entire concept of original sin and Jesus was simply so preposterous that no reasonable person could believe it.
    BUT I can't do the same justice to the tale as this blogger:
  4. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    Let's take babies as an example. Are they born evil? If there aren't then you can't say God created evil humans. People weren't created evil. Adam was perfect. Sinless. Like an angel. But Adam like the fallen angels, wanted to be LIKE GOD. His desire and what he did afterwards (eating the forbidden fruits so he could be like God) is what transformed humans into what they are today.
  5. 111kg

    111kg Guest

    Aug 2015
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    To save us from what more exactly? From diseases? From suffering? From famine? Because I can see a lot of people suffering from terminal diseases, a lot of people who die because of hunger, a lot of malformations and I could go on for a whole day if not more.

    Let me put it down for you: you don't need religion to tell you that it's wrong to do harm to another being. You don't need to feel in debt for some unprovable sacrifice you were told someone may have made centuries ago. Come on, it's time for us to really open the eyes.
  6. pwarbi

    pwarbi Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    I'm not a religious person at all, but if people want to believe then of course that's their own right. To me that whole story just sounds like exactly that, a story made up and for me the bible isn't something I pay too much attention to.
  7. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    The second death. In this world humans will suffer. When they die and move on to the spirit world, judgment awaits them. Are they worthy of living with the sinless?

    If they aren't they have to suffer the second death [living away from all that's good, away from light, away from love]. Adam's sin condemned all humans to this second death and Jesus' sacrifice canceled it. A life for a life. One perfect man sinned. The life of another perfect man paid the debt. It's that simple. It doesn't matter if anyone believes it or not because it doesn't change the facts.
  8. Alex

    Alex Senior Investor

    Apr 2015
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    This is a very narrow view of humanity and the role of Jesus as did his death was the result of the examples of the base traits of humanity, yet they persist today if not in greater numbers. Look at white collar crime, employers who exploit workers as slaves, as well as criminals, murderers, and terrorists. Jesus was not the only one to sacrifice himself, not all are documented, but sacrifices touch the Souls of those eventually who learn their lessons.
  9. anorexorcist

    anorexorcist Well-Known Member

    Jul 2015
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    I respect your belief but I don't agree with it, save us from what? There's a literal chaos in the world right now, there are people dying of hunger, of simple diseases, without mentioning the big amount of corruption and insecurity that exist all over the world, there are a lot of criminals out there! I think that what religion really made for people was to give them a reason to keep living, a hope that there's something more after death.
  10. NuxGame

    NuxGame Member

    Nov 2021
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    In fact, I have a lot of questions about Jesus (if he does exist). The first question that probably worries everyone is why are there so many wars and deaths of innocent people in the world?

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