Refugee Crisis:Who should pay?

Discussion in 'Politics Discussion' started by Alex, Feb 13, 2016.

  1. crimsonghost747

    crimsonghost747 Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    Because they are smart? They see nothing positive happening to their country if they allow these people in, so they have decided to place their own people first.
  2. Alex

    Alex Senior Investor

    Apr 2015
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    I'm not denying it's far from perfect, but what should happen doesn't because of the out cry from human rights activists. Basically they have to 'rescue' them, and most need medical attention so they can't just shove them on a plane. Besides that some are children alone and they aren't allowed to send children alone on a plane without a guardian, so often there is a ploy to do this and then reunite with the child.

    People can claim asylum but only when they step on land, so if someone is on a plane they can't claim asylum until they step off. That's why some are prevented from claiming asylum if they don't have papers before boarding, and why visas are checked at boarding these days for some countries, not all.
  3. crimsonghost747

    crimsonghost747 Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    Yeah that is the problem, Europe is being lead by sheep. Basically just people who can't make proper decisions becaus they are afraid that a small group of people will start a big fuss about it. Well obviously now that the whole thing has gone sideways a bigger group of people will be making a fuss about this. Though of course there are those who still think it's fine to accept these people. In completely unrelated news, just yesterday a 20-year old asylum seeker was convicted of rape here. And I have no doubt that his asylum application will be accepted, or that at least he will spend the next few years living comfortably in a prison with 4 warm meals, his own playstation etc. all paid by taxpayers.

    They are always trying to blame it on things like EU, UN conventions etc etc. Just like all politicians, it's never their fault. But those are just excuses, neither of those things are forcing us to do any of this madness.

    For over a year now I've supported doing things the Australian way. Have the navy patrol the waters and simply turn away any illegal immigrants. Might sound a bit cruel but it's the logical thing to do. It would end this issue once and for all and honestly in about a month no one would have to worry about these people dying on the sea because they wouldn't be coming anymore. On top of everything else you would stop these human trafficers from making a HUGE profit.
  4. Alex

    Alex Senior Investor

    Apr 2015
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    Politicians are making decisions on how it makes them look rather than what is practical. Since Germany have now felt the impact directly it's amazing how they have rushed in new legislation to return these people or to prevent them from gaining asylum. Previously unaffected countries criticized others like Greece and Italy for not doing enough, and now it's in their own backyard, the shoe is on the other foot.

    Merkel made an error which is too late to retract, but one that will affect the whole of Europe and she knows it, which is why she suddenly has changed her tune and is backing Cameron on EU reform. She knows she has messed up and is using the UK farce negotiations as a means to keep the UK in the EU, because they need the UK funds.
  5. crimsonghost747

    crimsonghost747 Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    Well Merkel certainly made an error... but it certainly isn't her fault for affecting the whole of Europe. Merkel is the Chancellor of Germany, and while I assume she is a member of the European council she is not a member of the EU parliament. That being said, there is still no way for the EU to force their member states to accept decisions made in the EU parliament.

    Each country has their own government to blame for this whole mess we are in right now.
  6. ScooterBrandon

    ScooterBrandon Senior Investor

    Jun 2015
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    Actually I would say not all of that is really true.
    There is plenty of room, but some experts are starting to talk about SA insolvency. The currently have a lot of money but with the low price of oil (that's staying low for a while, we have huge supplies now) money isn't coming into the kingdom like it used to. Also the new King has to spend BILLIONS just to keep the loyalty of the ruling class.
    There could actually be cultural issues as well, there are many different sects of Islam that don't get along. Plus some of the refugee's are not even Muslim they could be Christians.
    I think these Gulf States need to do a lot more on the humanitarian side of this crisis. But we all know that's not going to happen anytime soon....
  7. Benoit W

    Benoit W Well-Known Member

    Mar 2016
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    Аt its mоst bаsiс lеvеl, thе rеfugее сrisis is drivеn by а singlе fасt: Thеrе аrе 19 milliоn pеоplе in thе wоrld whо аrе сurrеntly rеfugееs — а disаstrоusly high numbеr — аnd thеy аll nееd tо find sоmеwhеrе thеy саn livе in sаfеty.
    But whеn wе tаlk аbоut thе glоbаl rеfugее сrisis, wе'rе nоt just tаlking аbоut numbеrs. Wе'rе rеаlly tаlking аbоut thе wаys in whiсh nаtiоns fаil rеfugееs. Thаt hаppеns аt fоur distinсt stаgеs — аll оf thеm tеrriblе in thеir оwn wаy. Аll rеfugееs gо thrоugh аt lеаst оnе оf thоsе tеrriblе stеps, but thе mоst vulnеrаblе pеоplе, if thеy dо еvеr mаnаgе tо rеасh sаfеty аt аll, аrе likеly tо gо thrоugh аll fоur.
  8. knitmehere

    knitmehere Well-Known Member

    Oct 2015
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    Sadly, it all comes down to a big increase in taxes for everyone in order to cover as much of the additional costs as possible. Personally, I think there should be a fee for anyone fleeing to another country. I understand helping people, but that has to come at a cost to someone.
  9. explorerx7

    explorerx7 Guest

    Feb 2016
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    The countries which intervened into the affairs of some Eastern countries with the aim of installing governments that would suit the agendas of the intervening countries. In some instances, they have ousted or even killed the leaders that could have controlled the situation there. The death of Sadam Hussein and the attempt to undermine Assad has contributed to the emergence of ISIS and other Jihadist groups which are causing the mayhem which is causing thousands of people to flee. The number of persons fleeing from the Middle East is causing a nightmare for many countries, whilst the countries which helped to create the problem seems to be mostly unconcerned and uncaring.
  10. djordjem87

    djordjem87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 2015
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    You know, there is a thing called but licking, pardon my language. My country, Serbia is in between all this commotion and we are not part of the European Union. My shitty government is doing everything to get into the Union and hence the term from the first sentence. Everybody around us is pushing the refugees back to Serbia and all the nations that are not the part of EU. Few days ago a man who was on some Interpol red list was recognized in Hungary and sent to my country where he was arrested.

    This will be much bigger problem if we do not act properly because as time goes by they will unite and become stronger and war will be upon us and we will loose this war.

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