Trump isn't destroying the Repubican party

Discussion in 'Politics Discussion' started by baudwalk, Mar 20, 2016.

  1. baudwalk

    baudwalk Senior Investor

    May 2015
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  2. erook7878

    erook7878 Well-Known Member

    Mar 2016
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    The Republican Party destroyed the Republican Party. As long as they continue to maintain their current stances on social issues like gay marriage and abortion, they will never win another Presidential election. The voting population only continues to get younger and younger and they generally support gay marriage, abortion, etc.
  3. MakeDollarsSense

    MakeDollarsSense Well-Known Member

    Oct 2015
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    That's the truth. I'm pretty sure that they can't pull the vote to win an election unless they can get a frontrunner that agree more with the public on social issues.
  4. Kate

    Kate Senior Investor

    Apr 2014
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    This is kind of a silly statement, isn't it? Of course they'll win again at some point. You can't take issues that *you* feel strongly about and assume/try to say that the majority of others feel the same. There are MANY MANY Americans who are against gay marriage and abortion and although "the other side" tries to shut that collective voice up, it only makes them stronger. It's bullying, plain and simple.

    ... Just my opinion as a journalist... results may vary, but I've seen this trend switching for quite a while now. People are tired of being bullied into believing things against their core values and *will* revolt when seeing statements like this one. You literally just offended anyone who does NOT support gay marriage or abortion. People don't like being bullied... they revolt. Food for thought.
  5. Corzhens

    Corzhens Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    I think those in the Republican party who are against Trump are just being sentimental. They consider Trump as an outsider, a non-politician who earned the imagination of the majority with his candid statements. And by that, they think that Trump does not have the personality to lead the party (not the nation though). And when the going gets tougher for the Trump's opponents in the homestretch of the battle, Trump will prevail with his usual bravado. Maybe Trump's money is doing him good because people can see that he is not relying on donations of sponsors.
  6. petesede

    petesede Guest

    Dec 2014
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    I do not think the social issues will doom the party, but the primary process is what dooms the party. Moderate Republicans cannot get past the primary process without selling out to religious right first. Everyone must do their dance with Liberty University and then Iowa voters.. Mitt Romney and John McCain, neither of whom were very conservative on social issues must move themselves so far to the right on social issues, that it bites them in the general election. Even Donald Trump is quoting ´two corinthians´ and stating he is the ´most pro life person in the world´.. in order to survive Iowa and the SEC Tuesday primaries. When John McCain went to Liberty and kissed the ring of Jerry Falwell, it was one of the most pathetic things I ever saw. But if moderate Reps do not do that, they will get blown out on SEC Tuesday and that is the end of their run. The early primaries need to be more diverse, more NE and western states.
  7. petesede

    petesede Guest

    Dec 2014
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    I completely agree with this article. I do not particularly like Cruz, but I respect his commitment in doing what he said he was going to do. The problem with the establishment is they have spent 30 years talking about balanced budgets and small gov´t during elections, and then once in power, being no different than democrats. Bush ballooned the national debt and created the largest, most bloated gov´t agency in the federal gov´t.

    The republican establishment created the rise of Cruz by acting like democrats once elected. The republican establishment created Donald Trump because they are bought and paid for by the oil industry which brought about this rise in anti-intellectualism. You deny climate change, vaccines and evolution... and well, you are going to be left with a large part of your ´base´ who thinks a reality tv star is acceptable to be President... like he says.. Donald Trump loves the poorly educated people.. and those people are now largely Republican beause the party embraced anti-science.
  8. Benoit W

    Benoit W Well-Known Member

    Mar 2016
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    Undеr thеsе grim сirсumstаnсеs, yоu’d think thаt thе ‘оut’ pаrty — thе Rеpubliсаn pаrty — wоuld bе pоisеd fоr viсtоry. Instеаd, it is tеаring itsеlf аpаrt. Mоrе thаn twо thirds оf Rеpubliсаns tеll pоllstеrs thеy will nеvеr suppоrt Dоnаld Trump. But likе Grееk сity stаtеs wаrring аs Philip оf Mасеdоn pоisеd tо pоunсе, thе twо thirds rеmаins split bеtwееn а fistful оf соnvеntiоnаlly сrеdеntiаllеd pоlitiсiаns. А mоnth bеfоrе thе Iоwа саuсusеs аnd thе Nеw Hаmpshirе primаry, thе Rеpubliсаn fiеld rеmаins dоminаtеd by а bоmbаstiс, pоpulist, nаtiоnаlist billiоnаirе.
  9. petesede

    petesede Guest

    Dec 2014
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    we will see what happenes in the next 6 months, but right now Obama has a favorable rating of about 51%, which is a good sign for Dems. Gore and McCain had a much harder time running than what Hillary will do following Obama as long as Obama can stay around 50%. Gore chose to distance himself from Clinton in 2000, while McCain chose to stick to an unpopular Bush. Hillary can probably do what she has been doing and mostly stick with Obama on most issue, but point out her ability to progress past stuff he was able to accomplish.
  10. pwarbi

    pwarbi Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    In most situations like this, it's not just the one man (or women) that ruins a whole party but more a collection if people and I think this is the case with the republicans.

    While Trump might not be to everyone's liking, the amount of infighting and squabbling isn't doing the whole party any favours, and that's becoming more damaging than what Trump could ever do on his own.

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