Preparation Against Natural Disasters

Discussion in 'Politics Discussion' started by May102014, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. Moneyinthebank

    Moneyinthebank Member

    Jul 2014
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    You can't prepare for everything, but you ca prepare for a lot. Government and individuals have a responsibility to try to be prepared for every disaster. It's not a guarantee of safety, of course, but it's a hell of a lot better than being unprepared!
  2. SteakTartare

    SteakTartare Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    Whatever your level of preparedness is right now, you can improve upon said. I think anyone serious about survival needs to develop a lifestyle, a mindset, and a plan for being ready for when bad things going down; be that natural disasters, financial hardship, or some other major catastrophe. If anyone is interested in how-to material, I can post some resources.
  3. wulfman

    wulfman Guest

    Jul 2014
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    Pretty unexpected most natural disasters. I mean hurricanes and tornadoes, snowstorms and such can be read but earthquakes, massive flooding, tsunamis are just events that catch you by surprise .
  4. Muthoni

    Muthoni Guest

    Aug 2014
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    I think that all that can be done is to prepare for the possibility as best as anyone can. Yes indeed nature is very powerful, having enough food supply, clothing and medication does not hurt when a typhoon hits. This life is so unpredictable that the only thing one can is to try their best and leave the rest to the unknown.
  5. Kael

    Kael Guest

    Aug 2014
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    Here is a little "food for thought", I survived a natural disaster for a week and a half with very little water. When the water ran out, we drunk the water from the canned food and jars of pasta sauce. Our dog slept on top of his bags of food. I guess he might have thought that his food was next. lol Another thing I learned is that your guests will talk constantly (complaining, as well), they will stay hungry and they will drink the water as fast as possible.
  6. springbreeze

    springbreeze Well-Known Member

    Jul 2014
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    You can prepare yourself against many natural disasters. The problem is if you are not rich and/or you live in the city, you are subject to living the way the city wants you to live.

    For example if you are a middle class family in south Florida, you will probably have to buy into one of the many subdivisions that crowd the cities. This then means that you will have to buy a home with tiles and be surrounded by homes with tile on the roof. As we know, Florida is faces many hurricanes. Tiles are easily damaged during hurricanes and they become missiles, destroying windows and etc.

    I think stuff like this is what we are currently being face with. Our architecture and architectural rigidity prevents many people from being able to prepare appropriately for natural disasters.
  7. wulfman

    wulfman Guest

    Jul 2014
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    Shortage of water is probably the worst thing that can happen since that will kill you the fastest. Food you can go without for months but water is essential otherwise depending on the climate, you can live a week, maybe a bit more. Although I am not 100% on this so don't quote me . :D
  8. Profit5500

    Profit5500 Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    You need to have a really reliable escape plan. You cannot just go and leave without knowing what to bring and where to go. I would try to pack some snack food and drinks in a cooler if you can. If anything if your home has a basement make sure you have a generator that works along with some gas.
  9. springbreeze

    springbreeze Well-Known Member

    Jul 2014
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    Very well put! That's where people fail or make the biggest mistakes -- not having thought out a good escape plan and discussed it with everyone in the family so that everyone can be on board. Having these plans will save you a lot of time and indecision when the time comes for you to run.

    Every family at this point of time should have at least one book-bag or duffel bag for each member of the family. They should have the most essential things like a blanket, flashlight, matches, food, map-book, extra money, medical supplies... And then if the moment ever comes where you have to escape, you can then decide if you can spend a few extra minutes gathering up more items.

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