How Risky is Online Forex Trading?

Discussion in 'Forex - Currencies Forums' started by Rainman, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. Liam

    Liam Member

    Jan 2016
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    Forex trading can be done online and this facility is available throughout the day and night and entails very low costs for trading. This ability to be on line for 24 hours ensures a lot of leverage and a very high degree of liquidity.
    You need not worry about the knowledge that you have of forex, because a number of software programs are available which take all the guesswork out of the process and allow people of all skills to trade. Even if you are a long term trader in online forex, this software can allow you to run your business without having to pay it any constant attention.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2016
  2. anders

    anders Well-Known Member

    Aug 2015
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    If by FOREX trading you're talking about the foreign currency exchanges, then yes, you need to have a very rich knowledge of factors which affect certain currencies. You also need to understand the market cycle, when big government finance metrics are released, the national/local elections which are coming up, and things like that. Currency trading is difficult, which is why I don't do it anymore. It's a balancing act between very long-range speculation, and very short-range perturbations in the markets.
  3. Benoit W

    Benoit W Well-Known Member

    Mar 2016
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    Fоrеx priсеs аrе quоtеd аnd сhаrtеd using оnly thе сurrеnt bid priсе strеаm; thеrе is nо соnсеpt оf а lаst priсе in fоrеx.
    Sinсе thе trаnsасtiоnаl соst оf trаding fоrеx is tiеd tо thе bid-аsk sprеаd, it is impоrtаnt tо undеrstаnd whаt thе nоrmаl bid-аsk sprеаd is fоr аny pаir, аnd whаt thаt sprеаd mеаns in thе асtuаl соst pеr trаdе. Thе bid-аsk sprеаd саn аlsо fluсtuаtе thrоughоut thе trаding dаy аnd is оftеn а funсtiоn оf thе liquidity оf thе fоrеx pаir; yоu mаy аlsо sее slightly widеr bid-аsk sprеаds in quiеt mаrkеt situаtiоns, еspесiаlly оn lightly trаdеd fоrеx pаirs.
    Аs in аny trаding mаrkеt, fоrеx priсеs аrе drivеn by shоrt- аnd lоng-tеrm supply аnd dеmаnd, whiсh саn саusе priсеs tо mоvе rаpidly аnd оftеn еrrаtiсаlly. Trаdеrs nееd tо еmplоy sоund risk-mаnаgеmеnt tесhniquеs оn еасh аnd еvеry trаdе. Using stоp-lоss оrdеrs саn hеlp limit thе mаximum еxpоsurе yоu will hаvе in аny givеn pоsitiоn.
  4. remnant

    remnant Well-Known Member

    Mar 2016
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    Forex trade can be very risky online especially if you are a new investor. With a discerning eye, you can easily spot red flags before signing up. Some are not obvious like the fact that they use sophisticated adverts. Obvious red flags include overhyping about their performance; promising the safety of your investment; guaranteeing low risk and high returns; trading in the interbank market and absence of a physical location or office. Stay away from trading on margins if you don't have the time and experience.
  5. radex78

    radex78 Senior Investor

    Sep 2015
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    As forex trader they also need to choosing broker that having good reputatino among trader, regulated broker is recommended to minimzie the risk faced scam broker, but however forex trading is risky business and as trader also need pay attention with the risk that involved in trading, and investor should obey rules investig money in high risk business only spent money that afford to lose
  6. Linda Smith

    Linda Smith Senior Investor

    Dec 2019
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    Forex is a very risky market. Anything can happen in there at any time. No trader can predict the future accurately. So, every trader should invest by knowing the risk factor. Most of the people think that it is very easy to earn money through forex. But it is completely wrong. I am trading with TP Global FX for long time. I am trading here after full research on the pair. Because a wrong decision can bring huge losses. My broker helps me to decide what should I do, and what I don't to minimize the risk.
  7. Angela

    Angela Active Member

    May 2020
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    Really, trading is not easy and i lost a great deal of money to brokers. One day i uncovered a lot of nice comments about how remarkable Mr Bart Kasch is online and decided to contact him. We started working together and in the end i got back my $1.2m. I recommend him if you need a recovery agent you can trust for results. Reach him at [email protected]
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  8. JAbbot1985

    JAbbot1985 New Member

    May 2020
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    I would say that you need experience.
  9. koelek

    koelek Member

    May 2020
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    It’s very risky. Every stock market and trading is like that. Everybody knows that. Bitcoin, Forex and many others. They all require taking risks. If you’re not ready for this, then you should forget about it. At first, when you are just beginning and you don’t know every strategy and what to do, you tend to lose money. So it’s best to invest little at first, to get you going, you know. A good Forex trading platform is needed, read some reviews on Then, after you gain some experience and start understanding how trading works, you can think about making some profits.
  10. Hari Rastogi

    Hari Rastogi Active Member

    Apr 2020
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    In long term, around 4% survive in Forex trading and make money, 4% of that 4% make average money, 4% of that 4% on average money make huge money.

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