Seel - Crushed Me

Discussion in 'Stock Market Forum' started by Kidbooo, Mar 10, 2019.

  1. Kidbooo

    Kidbooo New Member

    Mar 2019
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    Hello everyone,,
    I just got crushed from seel. But guess what? Bought at a point with no support, seen the uncertainty of the price action but still held. Emotions is something you learn over time, I'm trying to calm myself as im in trades. They got the best of me and my mental stop loss went down the drain and I didnt sell. Good thing im only messing around with a small amount of money otherwise my loss woulda been tramendous. To all the new traders, you may think you're on top one day because you had a 2% winner, reality will strike you. Learn from your mistakes, make a spreadsheet with every trade on it. Mark what you did right and what you did wrong. Continue your strategy, refine it, refine yourself, and anything is possible. Dont let losses kill you, losses should be the best learning tool you have, it's all part of the game.

    Sorry for rant...

    Tldr: learn from your losses
  2. Brinnuss

    Brinnuss Member

    Nov 2020
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    It ez what it ez :), one time you win another you lose.

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