45% of American households pay no federal income tax

Discussion in 'Politics Discussion' started by baudwalk, Feb 26, 2016.

  1. baudwalk

    baudwalk Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    Did you look at the links in the first message and look at the data? Look through the BLS data for yourself.
  2. petesede

    petesede Guest

    Dec 2014
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    Of course I pay taxes in the USA, almost everything I own and earn is up there. I am here on a mission trip.

    and you are skipping the point. Social security is a savings account, it is not money that is just handed out. It is not welfare. Like I said, this is a Republican trick. There are people now who have already paid into social security for 45 years.. you are calling them a burden on our country because they are taking ´entitlements´? The Koch brothers brainwash people into thinking entitlements are the same thing as welfare. That anyone who takes entitlements is a loser.

    Ok, let me rephrase it. 100% of small businesses (legally registered) have the opportunity to obtain government assistance if they want it. There are programs that could be used by anyone. Everything from help with business plans and taxes, to help securing loans, to marketing, to free money if you are exporting goods to certain countries. Like I said, find a non-profit that supports small businesses(preferred), or the local chamber of commerce, or the SBA and you will see the thousands of different ways small businesses can get handouts from the gov´t.
  3. crimsonghost747

    crimsonghost747 Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    You said that investments and interest should not be taxed because the money you used to get them had already been taxed. But isn't it the same for your business? The money used to start it up was already taxed when you got it from your employer and invested it into your company. So by that logic, you think you should also be able to run your business with zero taxes?
  4. Benoit W

    Benoit W Well-Known Member

    Mar 2016
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    Yеs it is truе. Еvеn whеn thе Unitеd Stаtеs есоnоmy is аt full еmplоymеnt аpprоximаtеly fоrty pеrсеnt оf Аmеriсаn hоusеhоlds dо nоt pаy inсоmе tаx. This dоеs nоt mеаn thаt thеy аrеn't pаying sоmе fоrm оf tаx. Mаny оf thеsе pеоplе аrе still hаving pаyrоll tаxеs tаkеn frоm thеir wаgеs (iе sосiаl sесurity аnd mеdiсаrе) . Thеsе pеоplе аrе just nоt еаrning еnоugh аnnuаlly tо bе subjесt tо inсоmе tаxеs. Thеy аrе likеly still gеtting inсоmе tаxеs withhеld frоm thеir pаyсhесks, it is just thаt whеn filling thеir rеturns thеy will bе еntitlеd tо а rеfund.
    Аnоthеr lаrgе pаrt оf thе pоpulаtiоn thаt dоеs nоt pаy inсоmе tаx аrе еldеrly rеtirееs.
    Thе pеоplе whо dоn't pаy inсоmе tаxеs аrеn't riсh, I prоmisе yоu thаt.
  5. baudwalk

    baudwalk Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    Are you daft? For the umpteenth time, I paid taxes on the (net) income earned from my part-time business. A portion of the remaining (net) income, not reinvested in the business, was invested in retirement accounts. Those accounts produce unearned income in the form of dividends and interest that, in my opinion, should not be subject to tax. Is that so difficult to understand? Business 101 and Acounting 101? Geesh. Enough already. :mad:
  6. Steve Dawson

    Steve Dawson Active Member

    Sep 2015
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    Tax reform is needed urgently if the amount of non-contributors has reached this level. The over-complexity of the system, and the large amount of people not paying a fair level of tax will eventually lead to huge problems as faith in federal taxation policies decline over time.
  7. crimsonghost747

    crimsonghost747 Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    Calling someone daft because you fail to understand the question might not be the right way to go. Maybe you can't read the question? I mean I did ask it several times and you still have no produced anything that could be qualified as an answer. Or maybe it is my fault, English is my 3rd language afterall. I will make it as clear as humanly possible. You know, big letters, underlining the important parts etc.

    I asked you whether or not you think the income from your company SHOULD BE TAXED IN YOUR OPINION or not? I know it IS taxed, what I want to know is do you think it should be that way? And why/why not?
  8. crimsonghost747

    crimsonghost747 Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    Can't edit the above post but I did find a way to make it even more clear.

    You own "company A"

    You earn income (dividends or salary) from "company A".

    Should this income be taxed or not?
    To clarify, I know it is taxed. I want to know if you in your opinion think it should be this way.

    Why or why not?
  9. TaurusHorns

    TaurusHorns Well-Known Member

    Mar 2016
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    Tax is so weird. It's the only time someone is like, "you don't know how to spend your money, let us spend it for you and not tell you exactly how it's being used." It's a clear strongarm, just kind of strange that it's so expected. Money in general is just such a drag...
  10. petesede

    petesede Guest

    Dec 2014
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    This is exactly the reason we have the crazy tax code we have now. Every company, every individual wants to look at their own personal situation and decide where taxes should be paid. Big corps an influence lawmakers and get their stuff changed. It is obvious this guy isn´t looking at the bigger picture and how this would affect the entire tax system and how easily it would be manipulated. ´ I make money from X, so X should not be taxed´ is just a very silly way of making a case.

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