Sitting back and observing the current civil war happening within the Republican party should come as no surprise to anyone who resides outside the beltway of Washington, D.C. Pundits, thinkers, writers, and radio hosts who I once admired, have now lost credibility as they have bestowed upon themselves the bastion of what is and isn’t “true conservatism”. Yet, while the civil war wages within the party, the party itself does a disservice to this nation for fighting the wrong battle at the wrong time as the war for the heart of this country wages on. To myself, this has always been the main issue in regards to the Republicans. For far too long they’ve fought for the soul of conservatism as they’d like it to be, but not for the soul of the nation as it truly is. I highly doubt that the very pundits, thinkers, writers, and hosts whom I’ve come to follow are malevolent in their intent for overlooking this point but I have come to realize that they’ve overlooked it completely. I find it flat out astounding that they fail to recognize the zeitgeist of the times as America has reached a point in which the majority of the voters not only couldn’t give a damn about what is and isn’t conservatism, but have no idea what the word even means. Why? Because year after year, representative after representative, and election after election the elites within the Republican establishment repeatedly betray their constituency as they immediately capitulate on their promises. Each time a Republican, supporting conservative principles, promising to fight once elected into office, gets elected and then turns on those very principles, it damages the cause of conservatism. The main issue that is always overlooked, sometimes innocently but more often deliberately, by those in power within the Republican party is this; As they wage a civil war between themselves and their base, the nation itself is confronted with a larger civil war between two America’s. David Kupelian in his book The Snapping of the American Mind: Healing a Nation Broken by a Lawless Government and Godless Culture, explains these two America’s succinctly. Kupelian writes that, “on one side we have those who basically still reverence god, common sense, reason, morality, natural law, and the laws of economics and of human nature — in general, the proven principles of Western civilization. On the other side are people who are confused, intimidated, or brainwashed — or else so covetous of power that they’ve abandoned all principle for the sake of power.” The war for America is being waged by those in the former against those in the latter. The latter, those so covetous of power that they’ve abandoned all principle for the sake of power is what I’d define as America’s ruling class. Our ruling class’s agenda is power for itself. It follows the tenet that Americans are retrograde, racist, and dysfunctional unless properly constrained. As Angelo Codevilla of The American Spectator elaborates on the ruling class’s agenda, “while it stakes its claim through intellectual-moral pretense, it holds power by one of the oldest and prosaic means: patronage and promises thereof. Like left-wing parties always and everywhere, it is a ‘machine’ based on providing tangible rewards to its members.” This ‘machine’ functions by “transferring money or jobs or privileges — civic as well as economic — to the party’s clients, directly or indirectly. Hence our ruling class’s standard approach to any and all matters, its solution to any and all problems, is to increase the power of the government — meaning of those who run it, meaning themselves, to profit those who pay with political support for privileged jobs, contracts, etc.,” writes Codevilla. Moreover, the crux of the issue is summed up by Codevilla as he notes that all the while the ruling class’s machine operates at full speed, “no prominent Republican challenges the ruling class’s continued claim of superior insight, nor its denigration of the American people as irritable children who must learn their place.” The Republican Party does not disparage the ruling class, because most of its officials either are or would like to be a part of it. The Republican party can cannibalize their own base all they want, but what it cannot do is stop the momentum that is only beginning to build in support of Americans from both sides of the political aisle who want to see the ruling class in Washington, D.C. utterly destroyed. The reason is simple, Americans have been betrayed by their elected leaders in both political parties and are finally coming to recognize this harsh realization. Speaking about this betrayal in his 1838 Lyceum address, Abraham Lincoln stated, “If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time, or die by suicide.” Both Republicans and Democrats, our ruling class, have utterly failed this nation for far too long and have betrayed their supporters, the Constitution, and the rule of law with outright impunity. My advice to all Americans in regards to this coming election is to be no longer the dupes and property of the hypocrites and traitors to our country who make up the ruling class. We must conserve what we have left before it is soon gone as whatever the betrayers of our country get, we the people must lose; and what is worse, must lose a great deal more than the others can get; for the ruling class cannot successfully remain in power without destroying, perverting, and corrupting that which is left of our America.
So the Republicans are the bad boys here? It is not a party label here. The problems, as I see it, are the liberalism that manifests itself in overloaded ill-conceived social programs to the tune of a $19T deficit. The Akinsky-Cloward-Piven school of thinking and the unfettered handouts to those able to work at something but choose not to are the problem. Tax the rich and give to the poor doesn't work. Our current tax system is a bastardized mess of social engineering and tax loopholes. Other threads have discussed this endlessly. We've discussed the facts that lower taxes and less regulations grow an economy and create jobs. Government cannot grow an economy by pushing on a wet string. Your "ruling class" premise doesn't play. Rather, the arguments between those who think larger government is the answer and those who believe smaller government is the answer needs to be addressed.
What I see in the Republican party is their propensity to rebel against someone on top. Right now there are talks that Trump is an undesirable to the bigwigs of the GOP so what they plan to do is to trump Trump in the ratings. But what can they do when Trump's ratings has been very consistent and it seems he is formidable as far as the selection process is concerned. Maybe that trumping can happen if all the other aspirants will unite behind one (Rubio maybe or Cruz). But the way things are going, they are giving Trump an easy fight.