I just hate the buzz, the stress, the headache, the annoying clashes of opinion...these people do not talk about starving children, disease, famine, etc like it matters, they just press on social issues. Everyone arguing about candidates and things like that seem so small minded when you consider that a child is dying in agony somewhere and a bunch of people are arguing over their taxes and raises and expecting to be considered as worthy...what makes you more worthy than a dying child? Why is labor and pay so heavy of a focus instead of human suffering? I will never understand.
I rarely discuss politics with people, not only because of conflicting beliefs but also many people don't understand the full facts or how a political system works. Take this forum for example, some people are right winged and few are not, so their views are often biased. Then you have people trying to discuss politics when they don't appear to even grasp the basic frameworks. This isn't a politics class, so it's not a place to 'explain' things, but I do feel many people aren't taught politics at school, and reading a newspaper doesn't give your the knowledge to understand the system, but it may sway your beliefs.
It depends on what the politics are and the topics or people discussing it. Some people are very polite while still being honest and informative, while others are at times hostile or inflammatory. If the people are nice, know what they are talking about whether I agree or not, and they are able to move forward toward a goal when making conversation, then there isn't anything wrong with it. If they can't do that, then yeah it's to be avoided if the people doing it aren't kind to others or at the very least, respectful of them.
What exactly is the political system of a peaceful, space-faring species that is able to defend itself? It does not appear to me that people orient themselves with that in mind, and yet we assume it is our future. To me, personally, it appears as though most people simply enter the flow of predefined politics without ever considering the nature of species.
I dive head first into politics. I know it can be controversial, but you can tell a LOT about a person by how they react to political differences. In my personal life, I like having people around me who are intelligent, but are also able to debate and discuss differences in a mature way. In a way, I would say I am like Scalia and Ginsburg. Those two had huge differences in ideology and interpretations of the law, yet could debate those issues in a mature way, and I think both knowing they would never change the other persons mind, and without insulting each other. But then there are people who think if you don´t agree with them, you are wrong and stupid.
Irony anyone? By "discuss in a mature way", does that mean constantly lying about the subjects being discussed, making up your own "facts" without citing any references, putting words in other's mouths, name calling, taking people's words out of context, making broad, ignorant generalizations, pretending to be things you are not, etc?
It's become really difficult for me; so much of my Facebook feed is full of emotionally-driven, uninformed nonsense, and if you cut in and, simply and politely, challenge the status quo, you get demonized and, in some case--GASP--unfriended or blocked. Furthermore potential employers can Google this stuff now, and if they see a political opinion that they don't like, you seriously run the risk of compromising your job prospects.
I don't talk politics to anyone idk very well but I do tweet about politics and talk to family & close friends. Politics is fascinating to me. Almost like my own personal hobby. Love learning about our government.
Lately my struggle is that I've changed my views on so much that it's become difficult to be around my friends sometimes, as everyone assumes that everyone else is on the same page. Sometimes it's tough and I feel a bit outcast because of it.
I've barely paid any attention to the election. Outside of all the Trump rhetoric, I know very little about any of the candidates' stances on various positions. As much as I disagree with Trump and his views, he's the only thing that has made this election interesting to me. I might actually watch the debates between him and Hillary.