I am curious if anyone here is using the TradeStation online brokerage and trading platform. The feature set looks to be outstanding, but I don't have any first hand experience with it as of yet. As a software developer, the EasyLanguage that lets you build custom trading strategies looks particularly interesting. Anyway, if you have anyone has any thoughts on using this system for active trading, I'm all ears. Thanks.
Have you heard of the website investopedia? If not, I reviewed this article: http://www.investopedia.com/university/how-to-use-tradestation-trading-platform/ in my research of TradeStation's online trading platform. While I chose not to go that route, I do have several peers who use the software and have run into very minor problems - if any at all!
I haven't used TradeStation but I've heard it is pretty good, rarely has any problems but the interface is a bit clunky. So it depends a bit on what you're looking to get out of it, I definitely don't think it's for beginners though...
Will checkout trade station. First time hearing about it for me. Thats the best way to gather info, check it out for yourself. Will let you guys know my experience with it. Thanks for sharing.
TradeStation is good. It's great for active traders and has great monitoring options as well. plus it has its own set of great tools for analysis as well. The community here is very friendly and helpful. You should try it You can also have a desktop software which can be greatly helpful for monitoring and working with trading. They charge $99 per month for it.
I used TS, nice platform. ToS however is a better platform for options in my opinion. Complaints with TradeStation are the broker side. Shorting stock especially, many times even heavily traded big boards like Telsa stock has been unavailable to short, this is why I don't use it much. I can confirm your fears about speed, paper trading is far from realistic with TS, fills are instant, not at all how it acts live. DAS is easily equal in speed as a platform but it's the brokers routing and access that matters for fill speed. The scanning is better than ToS, although I find TC2000 or trade-ideas better for me but as it's free in the platform it's a nice feature. No, it won't make you a lot of money, trades that are well set up and planned in advance with entry points will. The scanner for new traders tends to encourage rash trades that are far more of a gamble. Great software but below average broker, also watch for their routing, you will get routed to ECNs they make money off as a preference and not the ones with the best fill. Do not leave it on the smart routing, it will make them money and cost you. If they supported other brokers I use it for all my stock trading and happily pay good money for it, now I just make sure to do 5,000 shares a month so I don't get charged $99. Great platform, tied to a poor broker.
No, I have not used it before, but I might in the future since I have heard great things about it in the past.
Personally I have no experience using this page, but I've heard of its online services. There are good comments and others not so good, but the good outweigh the bad. Life is so, nothing is perfect, we must only test positively.
I tried it once but it was difficult to get into because I had years into another platform. Call it being stubborn on my part, but my comfort level was still with other platforms.