The title says it all. The liberal loony left must really be nervous these days. Only in America. Can't make this stuff up. Heh. Let's see how the MSM spins this. Maybe an apple-free zone will be declared around the WH and wherever our fearless leader treads. Applesauce, anyone? Applegate?
The women who threw the Apple core over the fence were taken in for questioning. They'd want to find out if they have friends who are terrorists maybe? Though it the reason for the lockdown is ridiculous, if they couldn't be sure if the object tossed over the fence was a security threat or not, they couldn't take any chances.
The Secret Service have failed in recent times with people managing to get to the front door, so maybe they need to up their profile and look as if they are really alert. It is extreme as the cameras would have seen who threw it, but then again the woman was stupid in throwing it over. There are things called trash cans you put rubbish in, and littering is an offense in some places.
I kinda have two minds over this. Putting the place in lock down over an apple core is pure ludicrous but then I think from the security perspective and I sort of understand why they chose to do it, no matter how stupid it seems. The woman needs to be educated on the invention of waste bins though, that's for certain.
Well my question is can you blame them? I mean ISSIS ISOL or whatever you call these terrorist lunatics have put the White House in their sites. I mean everyone in the city is on edge, especially around the supposed targets. It is too bad that the media picked this up though, because those of the terrorist persuasion are no doubt laughing their you know what's off.
A piece of fruit stirs more reaction than adults climbing over the fence and managing to make it into the bowels of the White House?
I think that stories such as this prove that the world IS on edge at the moment and that's understandable. Maybe people, however naive they may be, should understand that fact and I'd imagine throwing anything over a Whitehouse fence at the moment is bound to cause a reaction, no matter how trivial it looks to be.