Are all religious people philosophical?

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Alex, Oct 25, 2015.

  1. Alex

    Alex Senior Investor

    Apr 2015
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    I have met people who are religious, as in they go to church and read the bible, but they aren't necessarily philosophical. They don't question things or search for answers (which to me is the basis of philosophy) and believe what they are told.

    Therefore even though some philosophers use religion to back their theories and their beliefs there are many that are atheists,but do they still read the texts of religious philosophers?

    Philosophy and religion are both topics that cannot be determined by concrete evidence, so while they are similar they also have their differences. It's the same with being spiritual, there are spiritual people who are not religious. The problem is people automatically assume that a spiritual person is religious and vice versa and it's not always true.
  2. pwarbi

    pwarbi Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    I guess in some respects most religious people will have to be philosophical to a certain extent, I'm not sure that can be said for all.

    To put all people into one category or another is hard, and I think as a rule you can't judge everyone to a certain standard.
  3. missbishi

    missbishi Well-Known Member

    Jan 2015
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    To me, philosophy is about questioning whilst religion seems to be about obeying. Two very different things. Some religious people I've met have to be the most closed minded individuals I've ever come across but that's not to say everyone is like that.
  4. L_B

    L_B Well-Known Member

    Jul 2015
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    I have to agree with you on this one. Not all of them are but there are many who are closed minded. They believe what they believe and want to hear nothing else or question any of it.
  5. SteakTartare

    SteakTartare Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    One can be religious, philosophical, both, or neither. When I practiced religion I still found philosophy, both of the Christian flavor and otherwise, both fascinating and instructive. Now, not so much so. At the end of the day, I think the key is to, well, THINK. Ponder the big issues, question your assumptions, and see how they play out in real life. Or, heck, say screw it and be cynical. Whatever works. ;)
  6. TheApollonian

    TheApollonian Well-Known Member

    Aug 2015
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    Have you read the works of Thomas More? How about Nietzsche, specifically his book called the Antichrist? Religion and philosophy can be practiced by lay people as well as academics. Philosophers don't push their beliefs because philosophy is a way of thinking while religion is a way of life.
  7. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    I think religion is in some way related to philosophy. Both attempt to answer questions about morality, things that do matter in life and the like. But would that make philosophers religious? No. Does it make religious people philosophers? Unless they go a step further then no, being religious doesn't make them philosophers. The difference between philosophy and religion is while one declares it has all the answers, the other doesn't — it's a quest for knowledge. Since religious people seek not enlightenment, they aren't philosophers.
  8. briannagodess

    briannagodess Well-Known Member

    Oct 2015
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    I think not all religious people are philosophical. On one hand, the two concepts are same in that they tackle life itself and the deeper meaning behind it. The difference is that religion in itself accepts the existence of a concept or being even without evidence, thus the term faith. However, to be truly philosophical, you need to accept certain theories only if there are evidences for it. So again, these two concepts can be conflicting when used in tandem. I don't think all religious people are philosophical entirely especially when we review the meaning of philosophy on itself.
  9. MakeDollarsSense

    MakeDollarsSense Well-Known Member

    Oct 2015
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    I would say that all religious people live by a philosophy or observe philosophy, but not all are philosophical. They don't sit there introspectively try to gain knowledge and understanding of themselves and the outside world necessarily. Some people just use religion as their guideline for structure in their lives.
  10. In the running

    In the running Well-Known Member

    May 2015
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    To be perfectly honest with you, I have never equated philosophy with religion. I've never even put them in the same room, so to speak. I always saw philosophers as deep thinkers, and religious people as practitioners of faith. You don't have to think about anything when you have faith.

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