In India, SEBI-registered research analysts are the entities (individuals or companies) who've got the SEBI authorization and obtained registration certification under RA regulations. In shorts, these are entities that are authorized to offer to buy or sell recommendations in public through public media and code of conduct. A SEBI-reg. individual is the one whose business activity is to provide research analysis and prepare and/or publish research reports. These SEBI-registered analysts are authorized to offer recommendations on equity, commodity, and currency. From the investor’s point of view, it is a way to get experts’ advisory for their upcoming and ongoing investments in financial securities. The equity market is highly volatile and influenced most by the market sentiment. The market sentiment changes with the macroeconomic data and economic indicators such as GDP, CPI, unemployment data, and inflation etc. For an average or newbie investor, it is difficult to anticipate all that and make smart investment decisions while investing in equities. Any change in the economy can impact the financial market of that country. It is a lot to deal with for a person who has no deep knowledge of the stock market and finance. Lately, the financial advisory emerged out and become one of the tools for investors and traders that they keep in their arsenals. The equity tips provided by the SEBI-registered analysts help in deciding when to enter the market, when to exit and when is the time to hold. Nowadays, many SEBI-reg. entities are helping investors and traders in bridging the gap and allowing them to make smart decisions regarding their financial goals. It also gives them peace of mind to trade or invest on such recommendations given by SEBI-registered analysts since they are authorized and allowed for this. Not only it will help them in using advisory services hassle-free but also help them in minimizing the risk over their invested capital.