ALL members please note: This forum is open to ALL members to discuss ANY aspect of ANY religion. It is NOT a place to attack, bait or abuse religious (or non-religious) people on the basis of their beliefs or opinions. It is NOT a place for religious (or non-religious) people to discuss their beliefs privately among themselves, 'protected' from having them discussed, questioned, challenged or criticised by others. Please be respectful.
Religion, whilst a fascinating subject, can be a complete minefield to discuss so thanks for these guidelines, admin. Hopefully we'll be able to engage in some lively, yet respectful debate in this new section.
Yes this is a subject I like talking about and it can be a minefield indeed. I think in a modern pluralistic society it's important to be open to talk on any subject rationally. I also think it's important that everyone gets to believe whatever they want to believe without threat of violence or repression. I might not like what you say, I might nor agree with it either. But I will stake my life on the fact that you get to think and say it. That being said I can be a bit sarcastic and satirical when it comes to these things, It's part of my writing style. If I do offend you, respectfully let me know. That way a better consensus can be made of how this group will conduct our conversations.
Thank you for that clarification. Religion and politics are two of the most divisive topics that can be discussed in any forum with gun control, racism and abortion being right behind. I think to have a foum like this you really need to put in that clarification. It is important to do so.
Religion is a sentimental thing and it can hurt any individual if someone attacks your religion. People can start abusing and flaming, it will only lead to more hatred. Everything comes down to what you believe and what you stand for, whether its religion, your personal life.
A lot of people get very personal when in comes to religion - they feel that their ideals are the only right ideals. Well, these type of people need to either acknowledge that these are all notions, and not proven, or abscond here.
So don't act like Youtube commentators? Got it. I am a Christian, and have very good reason for believing what I do, however, I realize few people have had the advantage I was given by God in realizing His existence. I won't go into details, but it was the most humbling, incredible thing in the world, and it really saddens me to see so many people outright dismiss the notion of a spiritual realm.
No worries. When people express their religious beliefs and practices, I believe it's an innate voice humans have that ultimately respond to the value of life and humanity. Unless their religious mantra express superiority, devaluing human life created by the Creator of the universe, and annihilation of other human being because of their said religious dictates-- then, that religion is not of God. God is always kind, full of mercy and truth, compassionate and gracious, and loves justice. Thank you for the warning.