The video is gruesome and appalling. It purportedly shows a Planned Parenthood executive sipping a glass of wine in a Los Angeles restaurant while casually explaining how they sell body parts from aborted babies. Selling body parts is a profitable business but ask anyone what they think of it they'd tell you it's not ethical. That would probably explain why so many people are enraged when they heard that fetus parts are being sold [for research]. If all those people who've been saying fetuses are nothing but tissue why should they be so angry when they learn that fetus parts are being sold? Are those who sell fetus parts as bad as ISIS who they've been likened to?
Congressional committees have already been formed, some Governors have already initiated action, and Planned Parenthood is already ducking and covering. Unfortunately this happened but at least action is coming about. Megan Kelly and Sean Hannity won't drop the story. Now will the DOJ wake up?
What you said in your thread could be rehashed like this "Oh, yeah, baby parts... hmm, well, it's not really ethical but whatever floats their boat, I guess..." Really? We're talking about a serious issue here, that doesn't even deserve to have ethics doubted at it. IT IS CLEAR as blue sky it's not ethical. What's going to be done? Heh, I believe nothing. Who cares, after all... It's quite low-profile from the looks of it.
These people are cronies with the current admin. Nothing will be done - the DOJ, FBI, and other powers that be will just stonewall any efforts on the part of congress to make something happen - just like the IRS situation, Benghazi, Hillary's email server, the Clinton Foundation's shady activities, etc, etc.
That is a new low. People talked about how abortion was killing a baby. Now look at this!! They open talk about selling parts in the open market. Some people have no shame or dignity.
Watching that it's certainly very disturbing. Not only the fact that things like that are actually going on in the first place, but the way it's being discussed as if it's just an everyday business transaction. While I'm not going to get involved in the whole abortion debate, nobody is going to be able to justify this practice.