Brexit: What people aren't being told

Discussion in 'Politics Discussion' started by Alex, Feb 25, 2016.

  1. Alex

    Alex Senior Investor

    Apr 2015
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    I wondered why the sudden rush to discuss the Brexit and why a hurry to have a referendum and I discovered some reasons why which the media are choosing not to cover. The sad thing is people aren't informed enough to know the true facts of staying in and the advantages of leaving.

    There is a deal to allow Turkey to join the EU by the end of June which means Turks would then be free to to go to any EU country to live and work, hence the referendum date of 23 June.

    The proposals will be drafted in March (which is why EU leaders had to meet urgently in February).

    The only businesses that say they will struggle (and have been interviewed on television) admit if they cannot have cheaper labor from other countries they will 'suffer'. That means their profits will not be high, because they pay so badly. These aren't real jobs, but is exploitation. There are some that say Brits don't want the jobs, but when a job pays less than benefits (which migrants don't want to claim as they have to produce paperwork, a bank account, proof of address etc.,) it's not a job worth taking.

    If people knew this, would they really be happy with what the EU is doing, and no one reporting it?
  2. crimsonghost747

    crimsonghost747 Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    Where is the source for this deal about Turkey joining the EU in June?
  3. Alex

    Alex Senior Investor

    Apr 2015
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    They have been renegotiating for years and part of the deal was to take in more refugees and also recognize Greek Cyprus, as in to give up Turkish Cyprus.

    "The European Union will prepare a report in March 2016 on the situation of a readmission agreement, which basically covers third-country citizens who traveled to Europe from Turkey, and visa liberalization, which is closely linked to the readmission deal."

    "Turkey is scheduled to fully implement the readmission agreement with all EU member countries as of June 2016, which requires the country to recognize Greek Cyprus. Both Turkish diplomacy sources and EU authorities have said they aim for a solution on the divided Cyprus by spring next year."

    It's been talked about for so long people have forgotten about it, but in Cyprus the Greek side accepts the Northern side now as things have relaxed ( I have a property on the Greek side). As Cyprus have also suffered under the Euro, they are no longer as strong as they used to be say a decade ago. No one has mentioned the talks, because they have been ongoing, but as the migrant crisis escalates, they need Turkey to agree to take them in and as such may rush things.

    Of course they don't want to highlight the fact that opening the EU borders to Turkey will mean that the already fragile Syrian border will potentially become an open gateway for terrorists too. They aim to negotiate by the end of June and implement it by October 2016. The timings of these coincide with the talks, and also the referendum date. People in the UK want to know why it's so quick as it gives little time for people to campaign and also it's a holiday time in the UK when people go away or are about to. The excuse was that Cameron wanted it over and done with, but is it a coincidence that the EU is talking to Turkey at the same time?
  4. petesede

    petesede Guest

    Dec 2014
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    There is absolutely no way they will let Turkey into the EU. It will never happen. There would be revolutions in many countries, including Germany if the leaders try to hush this vote and then put them in. Germany is hanging on by a fingernail already in regards to immigration.
  5. Penny

    Penny Well-Known Member

    Jun 2015
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    That link absolutely does not say Turkey is joining Europe in June 2016. It says an EU committee is going to consider a document that relates to how third country migrants from Turkey will be handled and mean Turkish visitors to Europe will not need Visas. The article very clearly says that accession per se is some way off and there are many obstacles in the way.

    It s also covered here:

    Entering without Visas just means you can enter, as a foreign national, with a ******** at the border. But you can't stay, live, or work in Europe.

    Edited to add: apparently that document you use to enter foreign countries is a banned word, I guess because it has a synonym for posterior in it.
  6. baudwalk

    baudwalk Senior Investor

    May 2015
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  7. crimsonghost747

    crimsonghost747 Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    Yes the negotiations have been going on for years. And as far as I'm aware there has been very little progress... and there will be even less with the current political climate. What will happen this year is the whole visa exemption but that is a completely different thing.
  8. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    According to a BBC article I've just read, negotiations for Turkey's entry into Europe may take 10-15 years and even there's no guarantee that they'll be allowed to join the EU. And things aren't likely to change should the UK leave. Why let in new members who might leave any time they please?
  9. pwarbi

    pwarbi Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    The concern isn't that Turkey is going to be joining the EU, I think that will eventually happen by the way but not for many years yet, but that European countries want to relax their borders concerning letting more Turkish nationals into their countries.

    Personally I don't think that this should happen, but I've got no doubts that it will, as its a small step toeards them joining fully. As others have said, people from.other countries won't like that when it does happen, but if it's done slowly over a period of time, almost behind our backs, it will have happened before we've even noticed it has, and then it will be too late to do anything about it.
  10. petesede

    petesede Guest

    Dec 2014
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    I cannot think of a country where the leader would try that, it would be a huge gamble that it wouldn´t be found out and cause a revolution. Germany almost had a revolution because a few dozen butts got grabbed, can you imagine what would happen if the people found out their gov´t was secretly trying to let more middle-east people into the country and doing it in a deceitful way. If anything, the gov´ts that have been pro-immigration have gone out of their way to be transparent for that very reason.

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