California feels like to get serious about environment. Meanwhile this rule was already operated and then frozen because of court rules, the law came back. California now restore the rule to cut the carbon in the fuel by a 10% by 2020, this despite the oil industry objections that would raise the gasoline prices. The industry says that it will drive up gasoline price because not much refineries can handle producing a so clean fuel these days, and not enough fuel can as well. The California policy further tightens the emission regulation of the state, which are already the most stringent in the United States. It enforces calculations of carbon emissions for delivering gasoline, as well of the gasoline itself, and the same goes for biofuels or diesel. California said it will only increase the price per gallon of ~$0.13 in 2020. I think they wanted to mean basically that the increase won't be too much expensive, despite what oil companies states. Also, 40% of the greenhouse gas emission are caused by transportation, hence the relevancy of this law. What do you think of this environmental decision? How will it play in the industry in California?
Higher utility bills, economic slowdowns, more businesses having problems due to excessive regulations, etc, etc.
I wouldn't forget one thing: outside of some cases, one penalization of some companies is currently helping other companies behind that benefit out of the situation. Sure, this is sometimes unintended, but I think here it is clearly intended to favor the companies that does electrics cars or to use other kind of fuels, like ethanol. Sure, these fuels have these own problems, but I think the "green" industry is benefiting from it somehow, and you can say "the green industry is small enough right now", but if the oil industry don't let it grow, it will stay small. After, having new bills is never something you like, but I can't only see something negative. And by the way, why California is (already) screwed up in your opinion?