Hey guys, I wonder if you know about candlesticks and if they are really useful. If you haven't heard about them, I think you should. This website gives detailed information about them: http://stockcharts.com/school/doku.php?id=chart_school:chart_analysis:introduction_to_cand And this one gives suggestions via automated interpretations of live candlesticks: http://americanbulls.com Do you think it is really possible to make money buy just following what the above link suggests?
It is working now, try the link below maybe your browser didn't allow auto re-directions. http://americanbulls.com/Default.aspx?lang=en
There's more than one way to skin a cat, but personally I prefer to put my trust in fundamentals for my money and others who give me theirs to manage for them.
I have used them before and found them useful. The key for me is to keep your trusted indicators and signals in place. I have found that too much information can hinder you and prefer to look at information formats that i have used before and have experience in. It does not mean that you should not try something new every once in a while.
Candlesticks are awesome for trading. Candlesticks are great for trading. They help decode what traders are really thinking. They do however take a while to learn how to predict. Candlesticks are the best option for trading. They also work well to support fundamental analysis for investors. Candlesticks are a powerful tool for investing in the forex and stock market. You can learn more about candlesticks and chart reading at. --> http://www.babypips.com/school
I have had mixed results with candlesticks. I do agree that they are excellent at decoding what traders are really thinking. But even if you decode, making the money is still another story. Best of luck to those of you that decide to try it.
I use candlesticks and volume only, no other indicators. All indicators are all based on price anyway and are all lagging so I believe that I trade better just focusing on price. Candles are a very useful way to "read" price.
Candle stiks are the best thing to trade, in this you need not do much investment and it will be a long term stock trading,