Okay, sometimes it doesn't take much to hit my funnybone... this one did it. How very embarrassing... and hilarious! [video=youtube;IH7Kp1ZGCMY]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IH7Kp1ZGCMY[/video]
Did she really just use the word rhetoric just before saying "The normalization of hate speech from the republican side..."?
She's not all that bright and it must be hard with high profile parents. I had to deal with her once when she was barred from going into a conference where her father was speaking, and I had to reprimand her to remember to carry her ID as she had left it in the hall.
She did indeed, Troponin. I guess on one hand it proves that her talks aren't pre-written for her, but... it also proves that mindless rhetoric and memorized talking points are very alive and well.
I also don't think she comes across as all that clever, and she's certainly got a lot to learn, that's if she even wants to? I think being the child of parents like she's got, puts a lot of pressure on, and there's a chance she's trying too hard to impress?
I've wondered this a few times, too... and my gut instincts are often pretty strong. I've gotten the impression that she doesn't really like the spotlight but feels she has to speak up because of who her political parents are. I find that very sad if it's true... maybe she wants to just spend time with her little girl and stay out of the spotlight. I know I would!
Yeah, i was talking about her the other day. For the age she is, the scrutiny and security issues that would arise from her mother being President would be horrible. I am not sure saying ´President Sanders´ wasn´t actually a hopeful Freudian slip. Even being the teenage child of a President must suck.
Yes... but with Chelsea being 35 now, I assume that her greatest concern is for her little Charlotte, not for herself. Grandchildren of a president are in the same security risk category as kids in the White House, I'd think.
I like how liberals pathologize any idea they don't agree with by labeling it "hate speech". In fact, talking of hate speech and the Clintons, I remember when Hilary was a vocal opponent of homosexual marriage. I'll quote her: "...the fundamental bedrock principle that [marriage] exists between a man and a woman, going back into the midst of history as one of the founding, foundational institutions of history and humanity and civilization, and that its primary, principal role during those millennia has been the raising and socializing of children for the society into which they are to become adults." Consistency. Liberalism. Choose one.
I get so upset when I see things like that happening. What it says to me is that if it's so easy to change your views on a moral issue just to go along with what's expected of you as a politician... well that, that kind of says that your true morals could probably stand a little overhaul. In fact, it's a bit scary to hear what comes out of liberal mouth pieces any time, but especially during an election year... wonder which basic constitutional right will be attacked next? Hmmm....