A politically correct piece, expert opinions by Davos attendees, suggests the Chinese economy will grow by 6% in 2016. I wonder who is standing over the newspaper editors.
I think the derailing is already happening and economists are just trying to hide it. But I also believe in that transitioning since China is currently having a paradigm shift from the manufacturing into another industry that is more technical in nature like software production. The bulk of university graduates have no jobs but they don't want factory work.
Corruption is rampant in China, in business and in government. This can be expected when local officials are rewarded and punished according to whether or not they meet GDP quotas in their specific area. If China's economy doesn't transition, it will eventually suffer.
This is good news for investors. I really hope that China is just under a transition right now and their economy will grow by 2016. The fall down of stocks in relation to the oil situation and China's economic slow down has been greatly affecting the world wide market so an hopeful economic growth within the next year is a very welcome news.
Well, their cost of labor has continuously increased. it was to be expected for China not to be competitive in the same industries they once were forever. They need to get their population to consume more and they need to produce more high tech stuff and they'll be just fine.
When Dalio took out everything Bridgewater had in China last summer, that spoke louder than any words or writings could.