Breaking news. Ahead of a Fort Worth rally, in a midday announcement a few minutes ago... Kaboom!
I am very very optimistic about 'Trump will be a next president of US'. sure, Americans will decide that. but, as a trader, I am expecting revolution in Global Economy and some good changes in US Economy, If Trump became next president.From Trump, I'm expecting many impressive business deals with global economies. maybe weird, but my inner sense or Sixth sense is also agree with that.
yeah, it was pretty predictable, he had nowhere else to go except maybe Kasich. You also had the last week where Trump was talking up Christie, especially regarding the NH debate. My own thinking is they were trying to old it off until the northern states come into play, but the debate last night was pretty bad for Trump, and this allows them to talk about the NH debate again.
My sixth sense says it won't happen. I think people are smart enough to decide who they want to vote for and even if their favored candidate endorses another, it doesn't necessarily mean they will switch their votes. I am talking about intelligent people who can think for themselves here.
I suppose him endorsing a moderate, fellow governor like Kasich might have been less surprising, but Trump is from his parts and clearly has the momentum going. In the grand scheme of things, I don't know how much these endorsements really impact a candidates chances, though they rarely hurt.
Wow, that kind of surprises me. I would'nt think that Trump would be his candidate of choice. Maybe Trump promised him a "deal" for his endorsement. I know that Christie likes Kasich, but maybe he just thinks that a Trump nomination is inevitable at this point. There's no accounting for taste!
The endorsement anouncement took the air out of the room today so far as Rubio is concerned. I liken last night's debate to a food fight. Remember Animal House? I cannot say who "won" but today's news cycle was set on its ear. Rubio started the day but Trump and Christie took over the cycle with a vengeance. Cruz, Carson and Kasich never made it into today's news cycle. Given the "noise" of the debate and today's events, I would ignore any news reports of polls between now and the close of elections Tuesday night.
I don't have problem with anybody's sixth sense. I don't mean, I'm right and others are wrong. I'm eager to see, what's best choice of 'intelligent people'.
Chris Christie pretty much ended whatever future he may have had in the Republican Party. Unless, of course Trump wins. Personally, I feel like he's unelectable and will get swamped in a general election against Hillary. However, if Trump does win I'm sure Christie will be rewarded with a nice job in the administration. Other than that, if Trump loses the nomination or general election, Christie isn't going to have any future with mainstream Republicans.
Ever since the issue of US elections had started in the media, I had been telling friends all along that Trump is the most popular aspirant in the Republican fence and he is the only worthy opponent of Hillary who is equally popular on the side of the Democrats. It's only a matter of time when the other politicians like Gov. Christie, would doff their hat for Trump whose bravado is unequaled as of the moment. If I were the opponents of Donald Trump, I would quit the race and throw my support on whom I fancy, whether Trump of not.