Cruz must be desperate. He is challenging signatures that Kasich submitted to get on the June 7 Montana ballot which has 27 delegates up for grab. This is ridiculous, as is virtually all the c**p floating out there in both the Republican and Democratic campaigns. I admit to being a news junkie, but it is tough to watch the OTA evening news and the cable news networks these days.
Cruz's whole campaign is filled with lies, and deceit. I don't understand how anyone doesn't see that. Of course they all lie, but he takes it to a new level! He's a mixture of Romney (Whom we never wanted) Bush, (who most strongly dislike) and HRC (Corporate Sellout).
Pardon me if I am interfering in the US politics. I just find that some Republicans cannot come to terms with the popularity of Donald Trump and there is even a move that they will do anything just to stop Trump. That issue of their wives surely was in bad taste. Trump's wife in the nude and Ted's wife in an unflattering shot. Who really cares about their wives anyway? I hope the candidates will pick up from there and make the campaign a bit decent. They are going to the dogs with their antics, lies and accusations.
I expect Cruz to do anything to get more and more delegates. Whatever the outcome might be, even in an open convention I doubt that the GOP will nominate Cruz. I wonder though who'll get the nomination if only two candidates are allowed on the ballot.
I think that the only ones that aren't desperate at the moment are Clinton and Trump, and with the latest figures in the polls, it's easy to see why. Of all of the candidates left I used to think that Cruz was about the best of a bad bunch, but now I'm not sure if they're all not just as bad as each other
The whole campaign has seen Cruz and Trump both sinking down to the lowest depths to gain. Surely they can see that people will disapprove of this? Well, intelligent people. I don't think the Republicans worked this race out well, and their credibility has waned. Cruz is clawing away, but Trump is also backtracking on his stupid remarks too.
Cruz knows the game. Right now the rules say that if you have to have won 8 states to be able to be nominated. This rule was put in place to thwart Ron Paul and shut up his people at the convention last time. Cruz is making sure that most states are sending his people to the rules committee that meets the week before the convention. He specifically wants to make sure that rule does not get removed. A few months ago I wrote that the establishment hated Cruz more than Trump. I do not think that is true anymore because now there is fear involved. The stuff Trump said last week about NATO, Japan and Korea just is too much. I think the establishment is going to settle on Cruz, basically Lindsey Graham said it best. Cruz is hated, and he is going to lose, but he is not going to gut the Republican party. Trump would lose also, but at least Cruz has a chance to save the hispanic voters from completely leaving the Rs. Cruz would also not lose the senate like Trump would. I did my electoral map this week. Unless Hillary gets indicted, I do not see the R´s breaking 200 electoral votes. Despite all his talk, Trump is getting crushed in NY and Michigan by Hillary and does not bring any states into play that Romney did not win last time. Cruz does better, but just with Virginia.
All I can say is my mood has been significantly better these past few days by not watching the national OTA news broadcasts or the cable news networks and listening to the c**p set forth by the mighty mouths. Now, I did watch that amazing UNC-Nova basketball game last night. Those last 30 seconds were flat out thrilling.
I don't see why all the fuss? They all fight for the same cause and they use all means to reach that goal. He lies as much as everybody else and I do not mean only in the U.S.. We all know that there is no bad marketing. If people hear about you it is good. Now Cruz is an interesting man and his commercials and the whole campaign was pretty much ridiculous but he probably reached his goals so far. I don't believe that he ever had thoughts about winning in the first place.