Dear Democrats: It's too late to start over again

Discussion in 'Politics Discussion' started by baudwalk, Aug 17, 2015.

  1. gmckee1985

    gmckee1985 Senior Investor

    Sep 2014
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    Its certainly looking like its going to be an interesting political season on both sides of the aisle. The Democrat nomination seemed like it was going to be a snoozefest a few short months ago. Now with Hillarys legal troubles, Bernie Sanders rise, and Joe Bidens possible entry, its going to be pretty exciting.
  2. spaceboytaylor

    spaceboytaylor Active Member

    Aug 2015
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    You know based on what happened in 2008, I wouldn't make these kinds of assumptions. Bernie Sanders is slowly beating Clinton in the polls and drawing larger crowds, while Biden is most likely going to drop in to the race next and already has a following. All this is happening while people begin to lose trust in Clinton and are slowly moving to these other two possible canidates. So I wouldn't write off the other democrats that are making their way.

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