I think the biggest threat to this country is that one of these progressives could be elected President. Ack...
I watched the debate with interest. I thought it was nice that Hilary wasn't up there talking to herself, but unless Biden runs, I don't see any real threat to her. Biden's entry into the race would shake things up and make it not such a sure thing for Hilary. I think that we should wait and see what happens before we pass judgment on anything.
I picked up a copy of USA Today in the hotel lobby this morning. I read an article that, for me as an investor seems more important than the "debate" which seems to have been "won" by Hillary. Business columnist Darrell Delamaide (Dow Jones news service, Barron's, Institutional Investor and Bloomberg News service, among others) suggests that Hillary's attacks to curb Wall Street aare nothing more than a smokescreen of minor and insignificant tweaks to fake the voting public into thinking she can control the banking and investing industries. Have a read -- http://www.usatoday.com/story/money...-reforms-excesses-curbs-smokescreen/73869496/ -- and then read it again and let it sink in. My thoughts are that flow of personnel and money between Washington and Wall Street bankers will continue unabated.
The proposals of Sanders in particular are frightening, as are O'Malley's ideas on energy. Chaffe doesn't seem to be too "with it" mentally, although his one bright spot was that jab at Hillary's lack of integrity that she refused to bite on. Webb is about the only one who has any common sense - he's an old school blue dog Dem in the tradition of JFK. He's the kind of guy my Dad and Grandfathers loved. Sanders coming to Hillary's defense over the emails tells me that he's more interested in being VP or something else other than winning. He probably figures that being a nice 2nd place finisher who gets rewarded for it is his best bet.
I watched a better part of the debate, but finally got so disgusted with them trying to out Marxist the other one and turned it off. That said, Hillary held her own. Sanders was, well, Sanders; far-left ideas and a kooky demeanor. And his comment about the emails was BS. Jim Webb made a few good points and I was glad to see a somewhat moderate Dem in the mix. Chaffee and Omalley didn't make much of an impression. The questions posed to the candidates seemed to be a bit more "soft ball" than what you'd see in debates. All that said, I couldn't be paid to vote for any of them. Not now or in the future.
So it that your take on the Democrats? Do you really think that Biden can put up a good fight against Hillary? From my calculation, Hillary is backed by Obama himself so how could she go wrong? And amid the email controversy for using her personal server as repository of classified emails, I guess Hillary can win the Democrats nomination with no sweat. And so I am expecting a clash of the titans between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. As of now, no one can say who is clearly leading in surveys but your guess is as good as mine.
Corzhens, with all due respect, Obama is not backing Hillary. See the other threads for a more complete discussion. Obama basically threw Hillary under the bus in last Sunday's 60 Minutes. Not to repeat the all the discussions here, but (1) Obamas and Clintons don't like each other and (2) Obama would have access to a Biden WH to complete his transformation agenda. The Tuesday debate just shows how weak the other candidates are. Depending upon the rumors one might believe, (1) the men were ordered by the DNC not to attack Hillary; (2) Sanders is angling for the VP nomination; and (3) Biden has lost the opportunity to enter the race as Hillary made no errors in the debate which would have afforded Biden an opportunistic entry point. All these rumors and ideas were floated in the last 24 hours. Now, the pundits are loose and no doubt there are numerous other ideas floating out there. Just saying...
Indeed, Baudwalk. It is pretty well documented that the Obama and Clinton camps hate each other with an undying passion. Up until recently they played nice in front of the cameras, but enmity between them goes back a long ways. It appears the gloves are coming off though ...
It was nice that there was not slander, name calling and condemnation between the candidates. The whole e-mail scandal was made light of; that punching bag has been beat to a frazzle with brutal attacks. Some make it appear she gave away some of our most valuable secrets that could put our country in jeopardy, harm or mass destruction; which in my opinion is just untrue. I was not overly impressed with the debates; seems like a search for the next reality TV star than for our next United States President. Many folks are holding out for when Biden announces he will enter the race and they will choose him. He is gaining support every day just by not entering the race and the fiasco of candidates at this time.
With all due respect Baudwalk many folks do believe that Biden will be a candidate in this Presidential election. In my opinion very few will agree with your # 3 and would NOT agree that “he has lost the opportunity to enter the race”. He still has plenty of time, money, backing, energy and effort to move in, move up and move forward to a win. I watched 60 minutes also and I did not get the impression that Obama “threw Hillary under the bus”, no he did not embrace her with praise and enthusiasm yet he went so far as to say the press was making the e-mail more of a big deal than it really is… Yes there are many rumors and ideas floating out there with no end in sight they will continue through the election and get increasing worse and more bitter. I saw a “rumored” unofficial poll earlier today that polled if the election were held today Biden would win by a landslide (no, I did not vote for him, Hillary, or Trump LOL) If I had money to waste on betting I would absolutely bet that Mr. Biden will be a candidate this year.