Do you believe in the afterlife?

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by TheApollonian, Aug 30, 2015.

  1. FrankieD

    FrankieD Well-Known Member

    Aug 2015
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    You can't prove a negative. The burden of proof is on the person making a positive affirmation that something is true. I can't prove that unicorns aren't true, either. If someone said to you "do you have proof that disproves the existence of unicorns?" would you be convinced of anything other than they act like they are willing to believe almost anything? The "prove it doesn't exist" tactic is weak and invalid. You can't prove that a spider who speaks German has never existed, right? So what does that mean? That a convincing argument has surfaced that should make reasonable people consider the existence of that spider, or that the person submitting that argument doesn't quite "get it."

    There are many reasons humans can hear or see things they can't explain. I suggest googling and reading about it before suggesting something akin to magic or soul action.
  2. arbman

    arbman Guest

    Sep 2015
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    I will go one step further, just because you may see hallucinations, it doesn't mean they are real.

    In fact, I will go one step further. ALL of the major religions with one God came from middle east (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), guess what? Today they have ISIS. It is also a religion, Middle Eastern culture produces these, they don't know any better and it spread to the rest of the world...

    The point is just because a few mad man convinces you to follow them and even die for their cause, it doesn't mean that God contacted them. By no means, NONE of these charlatans called prophets have ever been contacted by any God of existence. NONE. If there is any God, I believe there is and I am a Deist (just google Deism), you will see that there is NO tangible evidence that NONE of the humans on this planet has ever been contacted by God, a supreme being that created the entire universe.

    Would you follow the charlatans (leaders of ISIS) today in Middle East to death? Their leaders call themselves their supreme religious leaders, this is one step away from a prophet, it is just a cycle of corruption in that region. Out of hundreds of these prophets that came and went, a few of them were able to convince enough people to have their ideology survive beyond them.

    So, ALL religions are a scam, and the point is we are on our own to make our own destiny. We have to stick together and we have to come out of our misery with science. There is no human being on this planet better than the others except for the few ones (unfortunately scientifically) smarter, more durable, more agile genetically. But those few shall look out to not corrupt the rest, but truly help...

    Humans are amazing creatures, however we evolved from the animals, we became far more superior. Yet, our understanding of the nature, and our ability to advance in science did not become possible until we broke free of the oppression of the religions and corrupt ones. STOP believing in any of these stories, especially religions, believe that if God indeed exists, I think He does and He would not even bother to talk to you, he would certainly not want you to die for any prophet. Be a good, honest person and take the humanity to the next step...

    This is the whole point, make a difference.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2015
  3. JoshPosh

    JoshPosh Guest

    Sep 2014
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    The after life, heaven and hell, or just spirits and ghost that walk the earth. I personally believe that there is no heaven and hell, because that is a direct line to religion. I also believe that all religions were created my primitive and cruel men that wanted to control everyone and made up stories to capture the minds of weak individuals that could not think on their own accord.

    The human body deos give off an electrical charge. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transferred. So when we die, where does that energy go to? I believe that it is released into the atmosphere and is fed back into the energy of all living things.
  4. FrankieD

    FrankieD Well-Known Member

    Aug 2015
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    The reason we have had religion and superstition in our past is simply because we were unequipped to know what was really going on. Thanks to our primate past, our explanations for things were born out of assigning agency to patterns and events. Someone is doing something to me. Mysterious forces are at work.

    We wouldn't have burned people alive for centuries because they were witches, we wouldn't have blamed our neighbor's evil eye for our failed crops. Ignorance opens the door for superstitious nonsense because it is the only and best explanation that makes sense to our primate brains. It wasn't meant to be, I don't believe in coincidences, and I'll say a prayer for you. There's more.

    Unfortunately is all seems to be born out of human limitations, primitive psychological framework, and emotional need. Species didn't evolve, they popped in like magic so my Holy Book feels better.

    If someone believes in an afterlife, fine. There is of course always the possibility. But believing these types of things say more about you and your emotional needs than the truth of the situation.
  5. Decree

    Decree New Member

    Sep 2015
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    When I was twelve (30 yrs ago), I was very sic and stopped breathing, I was clinically dead for 10 minutes while a doctor and a nurse worked on reviving me. During that short ten minute time I had an experience that would change my life forever. I had a near death experience or in this case a death experience. I have no proof other than the hospital and friends know that I stopped breathing and no heart beat for ten minutes, the only proof I have is my experience, i saw the doctor and nurse panicking working on me, I heard there frantic conversations, then I left was joined by some beings that took me on a journey it was as real as sitting here writing this reply.

    I know beyond any shadow of a doubt that yes there is life after life, and that our soul or energy or what ever you may call it lives on. To this day dying doesn't scare me at all, it's living that terrifies me at times.

    Can I prove this nope, can you prove to me it's not real nope, it all comes down to belief and faith.
  6. User911

    User911 Well-Known Member

    Feb 2015
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    Actually Jesus Christ never asked anyone to die for Him. In fact, just the opposite. He willingly died on the Cross for US! Think about that. WHY would this guy do this? Was he a liar? If so, it seems like he would have given up His story once He saw it was going to lead to His death. He did not. Was He insane? If you read about His life, He doesn't act like the typical insane person and there were a lot of eye witnesses to the miracles He performed and some of the great Truths He advocated are so meaningful, wise and timeless. Generally, insane people are more like the wild-eyed killers like the guy who attacked Gabbie Gifford or the guy who killed all those people in the Colorado movie theatre. He just never acted like a certifiably insane person.

    By the way, the Old Testament prophets said that Israel would be scattered all over the world, but there would come a time when Israel would come together again. That happened of course, in the 1940s. One could argue that those who saw to it that Israel came together again knew the Bible and wanted to help fulfill the prophecy in the Bible (the Brits and the U.S.). This is true. But HOW could the prophets know thousands of years ago that WWII would happen and that Israel would become a nation again??? hhhmmm....

    By the way, there is no way that the god of islam is the same god of Judaism and Christianity. There are no two people who could be more different than Jesus Christ and mohammed. There is no way they are "on the same team".
  7. jbepp

    jbepp Member

    Aug 2015
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    I personally thin k that afterlife doesn't exist. It's just a reaction to the irrational fear of that that we suffer from. We can create many delusions and representation of what we believe is after death. but in my opinion it is no more that a dream. We are mere organic beings and our existence ends as soon as our fragile body give up.
  8. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    You can't be 100% certain. Those who say there's no life beyond death know nothing about death because they haven't died. Can we take their word for it? Certainly not. Can anyone who believes in life after death get a skeptic to believe that the soul survives death? I doubt it. We all will die eventually though and everyone will find out if there's an afterlife.
  9. FrankieD

    FrankieD Well-Known Member

    Aug 2015
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    But when someone makes an extraordinary claim, the burden is on them to provide evidence, otherwise there is no good reason to believe it. The person saying there isn't an afterlife as far as know doesn't have to be 100% certain, just like we don't have to be 100% certain that there aren't naked supermodels living on Saturn to claim it untrue until proven. The people waiting for evidence can't and don't have to prove it doesn't exist. I can't prove that those Saturn supermodels don't exist.

    On top of that, everything we KNOW points to no life after death. ALL evidence and experience that can be verified or tested shows that it's over when you die. So suggesting there is life after death is as worthy of being entertained as saying there are naked supermodels on Saturn, waiting for you.
  10. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    Question I must ask is, what animates the body? There's much we don't know about life though we know what being alive is. I believe that humans are spiritual beings who inhabit a physical body. When the body no longer is "habitable" the spiritual being will move on and the body will start decomposing. But death can also occur when "there's no one home" [when someone is doing some astral projection and is unable to return to their bodies]. By the way you can learn astral projection if you are interested.

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