I rarely look at the mirror while dressing as I think it is completely waste of time. But I have come across a lot of people who think it is best to dress very carefully consuming lots of time. What kind of person are you?
I do not care about what I look like. Seriously. I put on clothes that fit the scenario at hand.. if I'm not doing much then it's shorts/jeans and a t-shirt. Obviously some situations call for more than that.
I don't care that much as well really, I mean, I know that I need to look presentable, but at the same time that's pretty much as far as I go, I don't have the vanity factor that strong I think.
I dress for comfort, and not fashion. I rarely ever wear anything dressier than jeans and t-shirt or sweats. I am a stay at home mom so it's not like I have to dress for my career or anything. I do have some nicer stuff for special occasions.
I dress very nice for work and when going out for dinner and drinks and whatnot. I tend to dress very casual around the house or when out fooling around during the day on weekends - shorts and t-shirts / tanktops, sweatsuits, etc. I do weights and some form of cardio 3-4 days a week and like to show off the bod a little.
I like to look nice, but I am not going to put forth a ton of effort to get myself all dolled up. I have 2 kids, a job, and an online job. Making money is more important than fashion to me.
I throw on shorts, a tshirt and sandals. I live in a hot climate and I see no point in dressing in nice clothes that will be ruined by my sweat anyway.
I am not very particular about the top fashion when it comes to what I wear. I like to look nice and therefore choose the clothes to wear the night before. I have a sister who is very stylish; she gives me some of her clothes that end up making me look very fashionable. When I become rich, I will hire a personal designer so that I can look the best possible. Right now, I do not have a full length mirror.
Yeah, some social environments require us to dress nicely, especially when it's for work. In my case fortunately I am allowed to dress casually and I enjoy it like that.
Most of the time I prefer to dress very casually as it is quite comfortable. I usually prefer to try and look good only when I am going for the parties or else I prefer to dress however I want.