Strap them with cameras and let them roam free? Hamas is claiming that they captured a Dolphin which they say was working for Mossad. Here's the story:
I'm not gonna lie, as wrong as this is, even if it's not true, the sheer concept of using animals to spy on other people is so freaking cool. That's gotta take a long time to teach.
What kind of intelligence is the dolphin spying on in the waters? I don't think they are holding top secret meetings under water or just or just off the coast for everyone to see, especially for dolphins. Let me know if they can strap a micro camera on a mosquito. Now that is a achievement in spying. Go anywhere and see everything.
People have tried similar things in the past. Back in the cold war days the CIA was trying to use cats... problem is apparently all their high research etc didn't tell them that cats do what they want, not what you tell them to do.
There have always been rumors about gov´ts using dolphins for underwater recon. And it is most certaly true, if someone has ever been mentioned as possibly viable, you can bet the CIA has at least done some feasibility studies.. You can bet you that there are some birds, dolphines and probably a moose or two running around with a camera on its back. If environmental groups do it, you can bet the military does too.
It sounds ridiculous. I mean, a dolphin? Probably the dolphin was being used to gather new information under-water. Why would anyone use a dolphin to spy? I think a bird would be a better suitor or a mouse but not a dolphin.
Hamas is a state-sponsored terrorist organization that looks for any excuse to ridicule the Jewish people and Israel. There goal is to destroy Israel and wipe the Jews off the face of the Earth. They are pretty nutty people. As to using animals to spy...seems pretty difficult to get a dolphin to stay where you would want it. Other animals too. I could see great benefit in using robotic versions of insects to blend in and spy. Those would be very difficult to spot.
Spying is an old art and spies will do everything. I remember the James Bond movies where the sexy girl who would attract James Bond would turn out to be a spy for the other side. With animals, there were cases of horses and pigeons used for spying but this is the first time I've heard of dolpins. With the emerging age of the drones, spying will be easier to spot when there is something flying above you. So spies would be more creative with the drones that you may find knocking on your window.
Dolphins have been used by militaries (mainly the US navy) for quite a while now. You can google all the different stuff the US navy has tried with Dolphins... and I'm sure many more countries have done exactly the same? Why dolphins? Because they are probably the smartest and easiest to train when it comes to animals living in the ocean.
This has got to be the weirdest news I've seen that popped up on CNN this month. If it's true then won't that be cool? I heard Russian intelligence used cats back in the day. But most likely though it's not true big businessnes who run newspapers, online new sites and the like just want to sell these clickbait stuff to get that NEWS MONEY. Big businesses hustle too.