The U.S. markets, on the Eastern Time timezone, will open in few hours. Meanwhile, many things happened in Tuesday when some companies published the earnings, and there's more deceiving results than others. The top deceiver and influence a lot the Dow Jones is IBM with -5.75% at $140.64 per shares. If you wonder, it has never been that low since October, 2010. NASDAQ is a bit weak as well with the highly-volatile biotech companies, doing sells for now. And to not enhance the situation, dollar got a bit weaker. Here's the numbers: Dow Jones got 17,217.1 pts with a little -0.08% or -13.43 pts. NASDAQ got 4,880.97 pts, with -0.5% or -24.5 pts. Finally, S&P 500, with -0.14% or -2.89 pts, with 2,030.77 pts, is in the middle of both.