Yesterday I was watching the interview of Jon Stewart to Kate Couric regarding her documentary (Fed Up) on the food industry and eating habits and I was shocked. Looking forward to seeing it! The US bribing institutions for fake reports, but anyone thought it was happening any other way?
All of the food fed to young kids is terrible. At least it's getting better though! Another huge problem is the fact that children are forced to sit all day in school for 7-8 hours and physed classes are a joke.
Yeah, I think that's common sense and most people agrees on that, but why aren't those habits changed? I find hard to believe that they keep feeding us and our kids sugar merely out of economic interests when we know they hurt our health. It's criminal!
I haven't heard about that until now, but it seems pretty interesting. I agree that the food market is not direct to health, but to profit. The same with the health and weapons, lobbies rule the world and awareness is a first step to put an end to it.
I don't know why people are surprised, since whenever lots of money is to be made that when bribes occur. These rich folks want to make as much money as they can and they don't care who they have to hurt to do it. They get away with it simply because governments is turning a blind eye to what's going on mainly because of money to be made.
What is unfortunate for me is how the general public is absolutely clueless to the lawlessness of some industries in America. The bribing of fake reports from powerful institutions has been going on for decades. I think it is good for people to be more aware of what is happening around this country. At the same time I don't want people to become so caught up in a documentary without researching the facts for themselves. And that means moving beyond Wikipedia as a source for research. I am not shock at all at the level of corruption in our food industry. I've been well aware of it for almost a decade now. I just hope the documentary will cause others to look more into the issue as well.
Yes, but that's not happening by accident May, governments and lobbies invest a lot of money in those fake reports and creating dumb entertainment for the masses while feeding them poison...
Totally second that. I think governments are into it as well...fellowship of the big guns, if i may say so, it will always be, more for them and less but more poison for the ordinary man, in every society, the ordinary man who has no power to speak for him/herself will always get these punishments...i don't know what can be done to turn the tables for once
It's not a matter of being surprised, it's just sad that this is the point that our race has reached, everything is done for money and we have no moral principles what-so-ever, big-guns do what they want unpunished and we just eat crap.
I cannot agree with this more. At least in my experience the food in the lunch room was atrocious. You even had to pay for it. I agree that it's getting better but I think you would just be better off bringing in something from home.