How can government effectively fix the issue of immigration to where immigrants are given equal and fair access to a decent life in a new country? It’s a touchy subject discussing this and I don’t think amendments to the problem will ever be effective. A government’s duty is to first serve its own people and ensure their security and livelihood. Immigration is a continuous occurrence so I think the only solution is to perform a screen on immigrants to verify their appropriateness if they wish to become nationalized. Otherwise, there is no solution that does not endanger or create a shortage of resources for citizens already residing in the country. Any thoughts or solutions?
The best way to fix immigration is to arm the borders more than they are already, shoot to kill orders, and send all the illegals back who are here now. We have a big enough problem providing for the poor/homeless/hungry we already have.
All legal immigrants seem to have a fair chance to me. The only problem are illegals but that will never change. How else can we have cheap labor to keep everyone's pay low and enrich the rich?
Take reasonable measures to secure the border. Deport illegals. Criminally punish illegals committing crimes against others with harsh sentences (don't just deport). Allow immigration legally on an as-needed basis with carefully screened applicants - as long as they can work and a surplus of jobs are available that they are qualified for, allow qualified immigrants in who can pass the background checks. And allow only these a path to citizenship. Basically, those who will serve the needs of the country and improve the country - not the other way around, and not those who will continue to bring down the country, drain its resources further, commit crimes, etc.
Expand temporary work visas for agriculture and other jobs Americans are unwilling to do. As long as they obey the laws and leave when they should, I don't see a problem with someone coming to help with the harvest as long as they're treated fairly by their employer. They come over, they spend money, the farmer gets the help he needs to see his crops not go to waste, everyone wins.
Fixing immigration is almost impossible. You can never stop certain people in desperate situations from fleeing their countries. The only way is to better patrol the borders and set more laws as to what happens when a person does sneak into the country. Seriously, to me, if you a male or female can make it past the border, then he or she should get a chance to be an American citizen. So, allow this individual to show they really want to be in this country by learning the language, getting a job and working hard.
I do not feel that immigrants are ill treated at all, the screening should be mandatory for safety issues.
A government coming down to fix the immigration issue is a tricky one. To fix the problem we need to better secure our borders and our security. We need to stop cutting our cost on protection and start fixing those borders and do better screening. The illegal immigrants here in the US make it more troubling for the ones who really want to have a chance in the US.
Immigrants I think that there should be a center when immigrants are received when they enter a new country. They should be evaluated to find out the skills they have so that they can be sent to areas where they can excel. They should be given the option of going back home when they make enough capital to develop their own regions and cut back on the immigration problem. Baby steps here.
Secure the border. Punish any employer that hires illegals. Cut off the food stamps and welfare for illegal immigrants. Set up a common sense process for folks to apply to become American citizens. Make all new citizens be fluent in English and make them ineligible for public assistance for a certain period of time. The destruction of the American work force and lowering of American wages has to stop.