A Florida couple who allegedly told authorities that they regularly tied up and locked their 12 year old daughter in a cage/playhouse face child abuse charges. The parents would use zip ties to retrain the girl's ankles and wrists before locking her inside for hours. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...rified-cage-police-say/?tid=pm_national_pop_b Their attorney asked the public not be too swift to judge the couple's parenting style. Is that how anyone should handle a problematic child?
It smells a bit fishy; an adopted child with six other children (some are their own). The parents are a doctor and a lawyer so they aren't stupid people and one knows the law and other knows physically it's wrong. They should have sought medical help, and as one was a doctor it's not as if he wouldn't know where to look if she was having behavioral issues.
How sad is this for this poor young girl? It goes to show that you never really know what goes on behind closed doors. To everybody else they probably seemed like the perfect family when in reality they were monsters. I am glad they were discovered for what they really were. Now this child can get the help she needs and she is free from these monsters.
I don't know about this, something doesn't seem right to me. If she was having violent outbursts I can understand locking her in a cage (just about) but zip-tying her hands and feet too? Seems a little bit extreme to me. It clearly sounds like she had some anger issues so was she getting any help in dealing with them?
I hear about these cases all the time. I think adoption agencies need to be a bit more discriminating about who they give children too, and not be as concered about closing cases. More follow up needs to be done...as often times these children end up falling through the cracks. I hear about these cases far too often.
Their attorney said don't be too swift in judging their parenting style?? Are you kidding? They should've gotten professional help. Period. It is unacceptable to abuse children in any way.
I agree, any form of abuse is not acceptable. There are professional people who should have known better. There is no excuse for the abuse they inflicted on their daughter. How is binding somebody up and caging them suppose to calm them down. That would only make things worse. She was dealing with issues and needed professional help. They only added to everything. I hope they rot in jail.
That's crazy. Why do people adopt or take care of children if they're going to act this way? Just for the money or what? I don't get it. Poor girl.
I would certainly like to know more details in that story. What about the other children? And were there ever any prior signs of abuse with them? If so, how were they allowed to continue to adopt other children? This behavior sounds a bit extreme to have come out of nowhere.
It does beg some more details on this because things just don't really seem to add up here. If she was violent or had violent tendencies then why was she allowed to be fostered with people who had other kids to begin with? Would that not have been seen as a problem?