God Heals the Sick?

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by JoshPosh, Jul 25, 2015.

  1. JoshPosh

    JoshPosh Guest

    Sep 2014
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    I think it's more of a biased notion. If your religious, and a situation comes up with a positive outcome, then it's because god has blessed us. If it goes bad, then it's god's will, he has a plan.

    People will tend to believe in what they want to believe no matter what. I don't believe in religion, because I like to base things on fact, evidence, and data. Not a being that has control of everything.
  2. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    I was actually forgetting that I've seen a sick person get healed. I was a teenager at that time and very religious. You'd say pious. One day my old man comes home. He's very sick. He stumbles into the house, and I help him to his bedroom, help him out of his shoes and leave him lying there all pale — it's like death is about to say hello. I didn't even think of calling 911. I went straight to my room and prayed. I knew he'd be OK so I went out as was the norm. When I came back home later, the old man was in perfect health [he didn't know exactly what had happened]. So I do know that God does heal the sick.
  3. JoshPosh

    JoshPosh Guest

    Sep 2014
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    Could it possibly be that his immune system kicked in and made him better? That is the natural way people do get better, and that is the most logical way. You would say god, Islam would say Allah. Hindus would say something else. Why does it have to be god? Why can't it just be the way that can be logically proven, that the body can heal itself on it's own?
  4. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    That fast? I doubt it. Strange things [miraculous healings for example do happen]. And it isn't just God who heals the sick, I know that those who consort with dark entities have the ability to heal the sick. Heard the story of Ze Arigo, the illiterate Brazilian who became a great surgeon?

    Zé Arigó was a faith healer and proponent of psychic surgeon. He claimed to have performed psychic surgery with his hands or with simple kitchen utensils while in a mediumistic trance, therefore he was also known as the Surgeon of the Rusty Knife. During his operations he supposedly embodied the spirit of Dr. Adolf Fritz.
  5. In the running

    In the running Well-Known Member

    May 2015
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    All made by humans, which were all made by God. So by that natural extension, God does heal people.

    So would I because, when I do, I can see that the fictional character is not fictional at all but rather an extension of everyone.
  6. rightct

    rightct Well-Known Member

    Apr 2015
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    I find it's truly OK to have moral support, but I also expect people not to have that much confidence whatsoever, as in expecting God to fix unrecoverable wounds and all that stuff. It's just delusional and counterproductive.
  7. janerovil

    janerovil New Member

    Aug 2015
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    If you have enough faith then you will be healed. What the mind tells, the body perceived. And strong faith can help you in your illness.
  8. Sunflogun

    Sunflogun Well-Known Member

    May 2015
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    God moves through mysterious ways sometimes, other ways in more obvious ones. If we are offered a treatment and we decline, what can we expect god to do?
  9. norms options

    norms options Well-Known Member

    Jul 2015
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    It is simply a question of faith. Like the story in the Bible of the woman in the crowd who had been bleeding constantly and, as Jesus passed by she pushed through the crowd to just touch the edge of his robe because she believed that would heal her. Jesus felt power move from him and questioned the crowd "who touched my robe?" The woman told Jesus that she had touched his robe, and he said to her "your faith has made you well". This is the best example I know of that shows how faith is the key to healing, and if you do not believe, then it is impossible for you to understand.

    As to the question of using modern medicine I would say that it is one method that God uses to heal us. It is like the story of the man in the Ocean praying to be saved. A boat comes by and asks if he needs help and he says no, God will save me. Then a helicopter comes by and offers to rescue him and the man says no, God will save me. Then a cruise ship comes by and asks if he wants to get on and the man says no, God will save me. Then the man drowns and goes to heaven. He asks God why he didn't save him and God says "I sent you a boat, a helicopter, and a cruise ship, what more do you want. Funny story, but the point is that there is nothing wrong with using earthly methods to accomplish God's purposes.
  10. Amin

    Amin Guest

    Jul 2015
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    Religions insist on god's power to heal you, and they tell you to pray, but when a clerk or even the pop gets sick the first place they go to is the hospital and the doctors...

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