Greetings all. I am just wishing you all a happy thanksgiving. Have a safe one and enjoy good food and good times with the family. Regards.
Thank you, Thanksgiving it's a great opportunity to be with the family and have good food, I wish it could happen more often haha.
Another holiday session bites the dust with no family and friends in sight...any regrets..none whatsoever ...thank you SteakTartare for the well wishes for the Thanksgiving holiday
LOL @ no regrets. To be honest, I don't care for the holidays. And by don't care for, I mean can't stand. Still, I try to wish everyone well.
Hope everyone had a great one and I'd wish everyone an early Merry Christmas also. I tend to be very busy the last couple months of the year and also the first several months of the year.
Merry Christmas and a Happy Prosperous 2015 then to you...i do hope with all the optimism within it be a real prosperous one for me as well... real tired of being stuck in a rut far too long!
Had a good time. Hard to go back to work after a nice 4 day weekend but you appreciate the holidays more when you work.
And Christmas is just around the corner which plans to be even more fun this year so I am looking forward to that.
Belated Happy Thanksgiving to you all! And since Christmas is around the corner we should be prepared.