Allegedly a couple of high school students have made 72 million dollars trading penny stocks during lunch. I call bull hockey on this story. I seriously doubt that kids made 500% return on penny stocks, it sounds to good to be true. It appears looking into this it could be a classic pump and dump sort of scam. Would love to hear how this kid explains his success, especially since they want to offer a hedge fund. Do you think these kids just got lucky or do you cry foul?
LOL, the stock market is like this, some might get lucky or simply have an eye for it, while others might struggle all their lives and never achieve success.
So it all boils down to downright luck when it comes to trading in stocks Gelsemium?...i don't think i would cry foul in this case, i have just read the story and from the looks of it, that kid looks brilliant, a complete Ace if i can say so, i believe there are others out there with the same element, only that they have not yet been spotted
It sounded great and it certainly made the headlines, because people wanted to believe it. But it was a nonsense story from start to finish.
Stock Trading is not just purely luck! Here are the requirements I always take into consideration in Trading: 1. TIME - you need to monitor all price fluctuation from opening to closing to position your self at a profitable price. Usually the objective is buying low and selling high. 2. MONEY - As a day trader you need money to play. Day trading is like gambling! sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, that's a fact. 3. ANALYSIS - Know the basics of technical analysis, feel the market and traders sentiments in time you will develop your own trading instinct. 4. FAITH - Buy with confidence, take the leap! no guts no glory! 5. DISCIPLINE - Always follow your plan, Plan your trades! Hope this helps! Cheers!
Then the person who wrote that article really knows how to read people's minds...he obviously knew they'd be intrigued/curious to know how such a huge amount of money can be acquired...but during lunch break?!...i had not read that first sentence quite well...does raise eyebrows...i must say!