I was reminded the other night about the Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky sex scandal and. Hilary and Bill were able to keep their marriage intact after it was all said and done, and in the public eye. How do you think they made it through with their marriage still intact? It had to be a very embarrassing event for the whole family.
Very simple. A matter of convenience. Hillary was/is power hungry and it was/is a ticket to ride. But, at this time, what difference does it make?
there were reports, and I think Bill later confirmed that for about a year he was sleeping in a different bedroom. Obviously there was a bit of ´power´ in staying with him, but I think for her the worst part was probably the public image. This was obviously not the first time Bill cheated on her, and she probably has known about countless others in the past.. but the fact that she couldn´t turn on a tv or read a newspaper without seeing Monica´s name had to sting a lot. Also, and this goes for any first wife.. these guys are smart people and they love their country.. they know how horrible it would be for the country to get divorced while their spouse is in office. As much as it is a personal issue, when they live in the White House, they probably very quickly learn how big of a deal it is. A President getting divorced could affect the stock market, international conflicts etc.
Agreed. They are both elitist sociopaths. And for the record, I think Bill is a very smart, likable guy, and was not a bad president overall - very good for a modern day Democrat, in fact. Hillary Clinton ain't no Bill Clinton.
I wondered about that too. Why would she stay with him. Maybe it was just a matter of it being in the public eye and politics deemed that she stay with him. Seriously guys, Bill was not the first president to lie about having sex with other women. In fact after the truth came out, I liked him even more.