How Important Is Religion?

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by gracer, Feb 11, 2016.

  1. briannagodess

    briannagodess Well-Known Member

    Oct 2015
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    I certainly respect other people's religion and faith. My religion and faith matters to me and I respect what my religion's teachings are. That being said, I don't really judge other people's beliefs and I'm hoping they do the same with mine. If we just learn to respect each other, no conflicts would even arise anywhere.

    Regarding the conflicts around the world, I think it's because of our insistence on having one major religion. Or maybe even our insistence that our religion is superior over another. Or maybe our insistence on not having a religion at all. Overall, it's our pushing of our beliefs on other people.

    Each religion is different. And each person has an interpretation of his or her religion's teachings. The more that we can understand this, the more that we can respect each other as a person.
  2. blurinoctober

    blurinoctober Member

    Feb 2016
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    I am not a religious person. I was raised in a Catholic family, but drifted from it as a teenager. I never had any urge to return. I don't feel like having a religion affects your morality or you as a person - I know plenty of people who were raised religious, who go to church on a regular basis - who are absolutely horrible humans. I know atheists and agnostics who are incredibly morally sound. How you conduct yourself is a personal choice, that is all.

    People have freedom to do what they like with their religion and I fully support it. What I don't support is using your religion to harm others or forcing it on others (in personal life or in any sort of law making). If you can stick to those two simple things, I'm cool with it. If you try to make laws banning things based on your religion in this free country, then we have a problem.
  3. gracer

    gracer Senior Investor

    Apr 2015
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    You are so right briannagodess. I think respect is what's lacking when we talk about religion in general nowadays. If we only have more respect for each other's beliefs and traditions, then maybe we could prevent conflicts from happening in this area of life.
  4. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    Problem is everyone wants to be right. Muslims say theirs is the one true religion. Adventists say they are remnant church. Catholics say they've got St. Peter on their side. When each groups thinks they have all the answers and everyone else is lying [and misleading others] tolerance is the last thing they'd embrace.
  5. gracer

    gracer Senior Investor

    Apr 2015
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    I think the attitude of wanting to be right is also one of the biggest rots of society even in individual persons. This is not related to religion but I know someone who has that kind of attitude problem and it can get really annoying most of the time. So i can just imagine how big of a conflict it is with regards to religion. If every group or religion insists on being the righteous ones, it would be really hard to achieve peace and understanding between each one.
  6. pwarbi

    pwarbi Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    I also don't think that religion is all that important, and even though people think that if your religious, you'll lead a better life, that a not always the case.

    Religious or not, there's nothing stopping you from leading a fulfilling life and living to a certain code. That doesn't have to be controlled by a God, but by your own morals.
  7. manoharb

    manoharb Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    I want to ask here 1 Question
    Do Jesus Christ died for 1 particular community, religion etc. ? no

    after Jesus Crucified, he asked forgiveness for those people who crucified him, what it means ? who crucified Jesus, Jesus also accepted them as a part of his family. It shows, For Jesus also, 'Family' word was more important than 'religion'.Nation and family both have same meaning.

    and Every prophet have same logic, If you can't save your family, how you can save any religion ?
  8. knitmehere

    knitmehere Well-Known Member

    Oct 2015
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    Religion to me personally is pointless because I never found any comfort in it. That's just myself, though.

    I think when it comes to religion in general, as long as people are using it for the right reasons then it can become very important. Religion is a staple in a lot of households. It keeps people together, keeps them strong, and helps to keep them on the right track in life.

    Of course, there are always people who are going to use that in a negative way as well.
  9. gracer

    gracer Senior Investor

    Apr 2015
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    I take my dad as an example of someone who has been greatly confused with his religious choices. He wanted to try out every religion he wanted to and I can see how his mind is completely jumbled until now. Just because he's not contented with one religion, he goes to the other then another and so on and so forth that I think he's going crazy sometimes with all the things he has been absorbing from different sects. I promised myself that I won't follow in his footsteps because I have seen how focusing too much on religion instead of one's faith has negatively impacted my dad. I think that as long as you have a strong faith in God and you know that you are not doing anything that would hurt your fellowmen, it doesn't really matter which religion you belong to.
  10. manoharb

    manoharb Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    Exactly , 'attitude of wanting to be right' this is the point where 'ego' factor is responsible for religious conflicts.
    Economic disputes, Political disputes, communal disputes etc. such disputes can be a reason of war. but, religion can't be a reason of war. some people twisted or misinterpreted facts of ancient mythology according to their mindset or beliefs. In those people, some people did that innocently because it's part of their research and some people misinterpreted facts purposely because it's part of their Business, Ambitions,Power and Greed. 'God Complex' or 'Ego' is the disease from which they are suffering.

    If 1 person have meeting at 7:00 P.M. but , if he missed that because of Traffic Jam don't means he can dig all street and represent his anger. same way, Religion is a way, God is destiny, Traffic Jam means diversity problem or Ego and fear related issues. If there are ego and fear related issues on the way of religion, such issues must be solved peacefully with understanding. not by anger or blaming religion.

    Pride and Ego are 2 different concepts, who feel proud about himself, he focus on improvisation and who have ego, he focus on proving, how others are inferior to me. nothing wrong in feeling proud, proud make world a better place and ego makes world a worst place.

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